Chapter 1 -Morning rituals of a mafia Princess-

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~2nd February, Wednesday 2022~

-Morning rituals of a mafia Princess-

Lela's POV:

It's 8 in the morning 14th day back at home from school, I just got out of my suite when I heard screams coming down from the basement, I suppose Mother finally caught her pray, she usually doesn't do the dirty work involving blood and stuff anymore but she wanted to do this one,

I don't know why we don't get voice-cancelling rooms. It's too early for action. I walked into the basement seeing my mother, Axel, Zack, and Natalia with some lower team members in the room...I went near the scene seeing my mum curving her blade in the man's chest, It's all become so normal over the year's even while I was in school Mercy always tortured the guys who tried to hit on me, and since  I've been back home I've gotten more used to waking up to people screaming in the mornings.

"Who is he?", I started in a low voice,
"A member of another mafia" Axel replied doing his type of awkward motion, my mother was too focused on digging her knife inside the guy like she was trying to find treasure unbothered by his screams and pleases "but he won't say which one"  she got up picking a bottle of oil pouring it over his bleeding body when he quietly let out "The Xanders, The Xanders please" I almost heard a groan from her mouth,

She hated the Xanders and for a good reason.

The Xanders's mafia has always been our biggest rival From what I know our mafias were a good alliance for decades but the last generations attacked our family and betrayed us that leaving us in ashes. And after that, my mother built up the Reyes back with the help of the blacks and my uncle. She never trusted the blacks fully as they were also friends with the Xanders but without them, it would've been over for us "They don't ever understand do they?" Zack whined.

"They love to lose their men to us" Axel replied as my mother lit the lighter terrifying the man as he whimpered in pain, I stepped in before she burned him alive "I'll take it from here Mother" She gave me a pointed look before stepping aside. I was good at being manipulative and getting people to talk, of course, I was I had been training my whole life to lead a mafia.

"See whatever your name is, it's either a slow painful death or a quick one you won't even feel and it all depends on your answers so let's play nice okay? What do your people want from us" I asked him politely,

He kept whimpering and groaning
"I'm starting to lose my patience, Answer my question before I start dissecting your body, And light the rest to burn alive," I said calmly I wasn't losing my patience I just had to scare him, It still was yet silence so I picked up a knife and the lighter close to his face flashing death in front of his eyes by heating the blade,

"A little touch of this lit lighter and you're gone in flames" I practically warned, he mumbled "le-le" I groaned pressing my knife against his shoulder to neck burning his skin "LELA, THEY WANT LELA" He screamed, I took the blade away from him but his skin caught fire, my mother threw one of her blue gemmed knives on his head as axel steamed of the fire with the extinguisher. "Cut the head and send it to the Xanders with my knife on it," she said.

Oh well, I guess I am my mother's daughter burning a body alive by accident...oops. I stepped back from the body sharing a look with one of the lower team members telling them to clean it up before it got messy, 

I saw my mom looking at me as we made eye contact for a second or two before she left the basement like she was in a hurry to do something, that was weird for her, weirder than usual.

"Lela....wait, LELA IS YOU," said Zack like his weird Zack self
"I think we all know that babe" Axel replied shaking his head,
I glared at Zack for a moment "I meant to say no one else knows of your existence other than the people we know"Zack made sense, how do they know of my existence and how much do they know,

Do they want to start a war again?
What is their motive for sending men even when they know they'll never return? Annoying myself as questions filled my head I went out of the basement, It was starting to smell like a body on fire, well because there was a body that was on fire but nevertheless, I saw my mom sitting on the couch in the living room, guess she cleaned up, I went upstairs washed my hands and changed my t-shirt, I hate bloody tops and this one smelled ew too now. I actually really liked this top.

I went down to see Zack and Axel cleaning each other's tonsils,
ew, two gross things at once.
"Get a room," I said grossing out
walking towards the living room. Hearing a "Sorry" from behind which made me giggle. How are they doing that after coming out of the basement,

- Zack and Axel have been closest to me since we were practically babies, We all grew up together, their parents worked for my family and they are still very close to my mother, they've been this cheesy couple since the longest I can remember, they're a part of my family and  I don't know how I would be without them, probably humorless yup.

Axel was the bodyguard type, always alert, with a good body light brown eyes, and Zack was quite the opposite, he was clumsy and childish, not that bulk but he did work out a lot, with black eyes and the height difference. He was shorter than Axel as he was about 6'2 and Zack was 5'9 somehow they matched perfectly together

I went and sat on the couch with my mother who looked pale
as if she was scared of something, This I have never seen before

"Ma, are u alright" She looked at me and held my hands, her eyes were almost red "He knows" she mumbled under her breath cursing, "fuck Lela he knows you exist" I raised an eyebrow in confusion saying "he who and what are you saying"...
"Your father knows Lela" she replied.


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