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A lone tear traced a path down Malang's cheek as he gazed out his luxurious bedroom window

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A lone tear traced a path down Malang's cheek as he gazed out his luxurious bedroom window. The vastness of the sky mirrored the emptiness he felt inside. A knock on the door startled him, and he quickly wiped away the evidence of his sadness.

"Come in," he called out, his voice strained.

The door creaked open, revealing his warm-hearted brother, Veer, and his ever-smiling sister-in-law, Sanjana. They entered the room, their faces etched with concern despite their wide smiles. They weren't fooled by the pretense.

Malang had run away from home, a desperate escape from his father's suffocating control. His father, a man obsessed with appearances, had always treated his children with an iron fist. Malang, the youngest, had borne the brunt of it all. From birth, his perceived weakness had embarrassed his father, who kept him hidden away, a secret Malang himself didn't understand.

But unlike his father, the rest of his family showered Malang with love and care. His mother, a beacon of kindness, his brother Veer, a source of unwavering support, and Sanjana, his sister-in-law, brought sunshine into his life with her infectious laughter. Even Ragini, his middle sister, fiercely protected him despite their occasional squabbles.

Veer sat beside Malang, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know you're scared," he said gently, "but don't worry. Dad loves you, even if he doesn't show it always."

Malang forced a smile, but his heart remained unconvinced. He knew his father's love came with strings attached, conditional upon meeting his impossible expectations.

Sanjana, sensing the tension, intervened. She broke into a mischievous grin and reached into a bag she was carrying. "Look what I brought!" she chirped, revealing a plate piled high with Malang's favorite treat – Gajar ka Halwa.

The aroma of the sweet, fragrant dessert filled the room, instantly lifting Malang's spirits. He couldn't resist Sanjana's playful energy, and a genuine smile tugged at his lips. Soon, his mother joined them, her gentle presence further easing the weight in his chest.

As she lovingly stroked his head, she whispered, "Everything will be alright, my Malang. We're all here for you."

Malang found solace in her words, his heart flickering with a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, with the unwavering love of his family by his side, he could navigate the storm brewing within his home.  

The crystal clinked softly as forks met plates, the only sound breaking the tense silence that hung heavy in the air

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The crystal clinked softly as forks met plates, the only sound breaking the tense silence that hung heavy in the air. Malang sat stiffly in his chair, his eyes glued to his lap, meticulously avoiding his father's intimidating presence. His mother, Sanjana, and Veer sat opposite him, their faces etched with concern. They were all waiting for the inevitable – his father's arrival.

A moment later, the door creaked open and Malang's breath caught in his throat. His father entered, his face a stormy cloud. Fear washed over Malang, chilling him to the bone.

Dinner commenced in a suffocating silence. Malang didn't dare look up, his appetite stolen by his father's icy glare. Finally, his father broke the silence, his voice booming across the table.

"Malang," he began, his tone dripping with condescension, "Do you have any concept of our family's reputation? I built this empire with my own two hands, and Veer is following in my footsteps. Don't you feel even an ounce of responsibility?"

Malang flinched, his grip tightening on the edge of the table. "But Dad," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper, "I—"

His father cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No buts, Malang! You ran off to that college, chasing after some frivolous dream of prancing around on stage. Have you lost your mind?"

Veer, unable to bear witness to his brother's humiliation any longer, tried to intervene. "Dad, let him speak—"

A withering glare silenced him mid-sentence. "This is between me and Malang," his father growled.

Malang couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They welled up, blurring his vision.

 The dam broke, and a sob escaped his lips

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The dam broke, and a sob escaped his lips. He pushed himself away from the table and fled from the room, his heart pounding against his ribs.

His mother watched him go, her eyes filled with a helpless sorrow. She yearned to comfort him, but knew better than to defy her husband in such a tense moment.

Sanjana and Veer exchanged a pained look. They both shared a deep love for Malang and hated seeing him crushed under their father's relentless pressure. A heavy silence settled back over the dining table, the only sound now the clinking of silverware against empty plates. The meal had become a battleground, leaving everyone feeling defeated.


Malang's father mansion

Malang's father mansion

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