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.Malang's heart sank as he watched Rihanna continue to ignore him, her attention fully absorbed by her friends and the drinks they were indulging in. Despite his efforts to catch her eye, she seemed determined to keep him at arm's length, lost in her own world of revelry.

Friend 1: "Hey Rihanna, isn't that Malang over there? The poor guy looks so lost."

Rihanna: *laughs* "Yeah, that's him. Looks like he's still hoping for a dance, huh?"

Friend 2: "Didn't you make some kind of bet with him? What was it again?"

Rihanna: *grinning mischievously* "Oh, you mean the bet where I had to make Malang fall for me and be my boyfriend? Easy money, guys."

Friend 3: "So, when are you going to collect? I'm ready to pay up."

Rihanna: *taking a sip of her drink* "Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure to cash in soon. But let's have some fun first, shall we?"

As Malang overhears their conversation, he feels a mixture of hurt and indignation. He can't believe he was just a pawn in their game, his feelings treated as nothing more than a wager. Deep down, he knows he deserves better than this.

His heart sank further as he overheard the drunken banter of Rihanna's friends, their words stinging like a harsh reminder of the bet that had been made. The mention of the  bet made his cheeks flush with embarrassment, his pride wounded by their casual mockery.

For a moment, Malang felt like he was on the outside looking in, a mere spectator to Rihanna's world, rather than an integral part of it. The realization hit him hard, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth as he struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality of the situation.
Malang's confusion turned to disbelief as the words sank in. He couldn't believe that his feelings had been treated like a game by Rihanna and her friends. The revelation stung, leaving him feeling betrayed and foolish for falling into their trap.

Malang: *trying to mask his hurt* "So, it was all just a bet to you? My feelings meant nothing?"

Drunk Friend: *chuckling* "Come on, Malang, don't take it personally. It was all in good fun!"

Rihanna: *slurring her words* "Yeah, Malang, lighten up! You know you enjoyed the attention."

Malang felt a mix of anger and sadness welling up inside him. He had trusted Rihanna, admired her, and now he realized it was all a facade. With a heavy heart, he excused himself from the group, needing some time alone to process the betrayal.

Feeling the weight of betrayal pressing down on him, Malang made his way to the drink counter. Each drink he downed was a futile attempt to numb the pain in his heart, but the ache persisted, gnawing at him from within.

As the alcohol blurred his senses, Malang found himself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, sadness, and confusion mingled together, creating a storm of turmoil within him. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being used and discarded, like a pawn in someone else's game.

With each sip, the bitterness in his heart grew, overshadowing any trace of happiness or joy. The sense of betrayal weighed heavily on his shoulders, dragging him deeper into despair with each passing moment.

Lost in his thoughts and drowning in his sorrows, Malang found solace in the numbness that alcohol provided, if only for a fleeting moment. But deep down, he knew that the pain would linger long after the effects of the drinks wore off.
As the music pulsed through the air, Netra and Ishaan moved in perfect harmony on the dance floor. Their steps synchronized effortlessly, guided by the rhythm of the music. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the connection they shared, their eyes locked in a silent conversation that spoke volumes.

Lost in the music and the warmth of each other's presence, they danced as if time stood still, oblivious to the world around them. Each movement was filled with emotion, a silent expression of the bond they shared.

With every twirl and sway, their hearts beat in unison, echoing the melody of their love. In that crowded room, they were the only two souls, entwined in a dance of passion and affection.

Their dance was a testament to the depth of their feelings, a silent declaration of their love for each other. And as they moved together, their love story unfolded on the dance floor, a beautiful melody in the symphony of life.
Su and Figo, with their infectious energy, set the dance floor on fire as they moved to the rhythm of the music. Their steps were filled with grace and passion, each movement reflecting the love they shared.

Sam and Neel joined them, adding to the vibrant atmosphere with their own unique style. Together, they formed a dynamic quartet, their laughter and joy echoing through the room.

As they danced, their movements became a celebration of friendship and camaraderie. They spun and twirled, lost in the music and the moment, their smiles lighting up the room.

Neel, noticing Malang's increasing intake of drinks, grew concerned. He left the lively dance floor and approached Malang, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, Malang, take it easy on those drinks," Neel said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Malang, feeling the weight of his shattered emotions, looked at Neel with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "I just need to forget everything for a while," Malang mumbled, attempting to mask the pain in his eyes.

Neel, understanding the depth of Malang's emotions, spoke softly, "Drinking won't make the pain go away. Let's talk about it. What's bothering you?" He guided Malang away from the drink counter, hoping to have a more meaningful conversation away from the noise of the party.
Neel, seeing Malang in such a vulnerable state, felt a pang of sadness and empathy. He gently wiped away Malang's tears, trying to comfort him as best as he could. "It's okay, Malang. You don't have to say anything right now. I'm here for you," Neel whispered soothingly, his voice filled with compassion.

As Malang continued to sob uncontrollably, Neel held him close, offering silent support and reassurance. Feeling Malang's grip loosen as exhaustion took over, Neel realized that Malang had fallen asleep in his arms.

Carefully lifting Malang's limp form, Neel cradled him in his arms and carried him out of the bustling party venue. Making his way to his car, he gently laid Malang down in the backseat, ensuring he was comfortable before starting the engine and driving off into the night, determined to get Malang safely home.


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