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The college entrance transformed into a spectacle as Neel cruised in his Ferrari, an emblem of opulence that turned heads and sparked whispers among the junior students. His arrival was met with a flurry of admiration, with many girls unable to contain their excitement. Neel, with his trademark smile, acknowledged the attention, igniting shy giggles and starry-eyed glances.

Following in Neel's wake, Ishaan made a stylish entrance in his own lavish car, adding another layer of sophistication to the scene. The college courtyard became a showcase of luxury, with each friend's arrival unveiling a new dimension of extravagance. Rihanna, riding in on a sleek Hayabusa, exuded an air of confidence that matched her brother's charisma.

The arrival of Figo and Su, with their distinct vehicles, further accentuated the affluence shared by this tight-knit group. Their camaraderie was evident as they parked their high-end rides, creating an unspoken spectacle that resonated through the college grounds.

As the group gathered, Neel and Ishaan exchanged a nod, their unspoken language hinting at a shared understanding that transcended words. Conversations within the group flowed seamlessly, transitioning from discussions about the latest parties to college events that held the promise of excitement.

Neel, with his magnetic charm, orchestrated the discussions. "So, guys, any plans for the upcoming college event? It's going to be a blast, and we should make sure it's one for the books."

Ishaan, leaning against his car, added, "Absolutely. Let's make this year unforgettable. We have the means to make things happen, and we should take full advantage of it."

Rihanna, exuding a mix of elegance and nonchalance, chimed in, "I'm thinking of organizing a dance performance for the event. Neel, you're in, right?"

Neel, with a playful smirk, responded, "Always, sis. You know I'm up for anything that involves dancing."

Figo and Su, adding their own flair to the conversation, discussed the possibilities of themed parties and exclusive gatherings that would further elevate the college experience.

Amidst the chatter and laughter, the group radiated an air of exclusivity, a world where privilege and camaraderie intertwined. As plans for the college event took shape, the promise of extravagant parties and memorable moments set the stage for a chapter filled with glitz, glamour, and the shared adventures of a group whose bonds went beyond the materialistic façade.

The college grounds, now a canvas for the stories that unfolded, bore witness to a narrative where luxury met laughter, friendships blossomed in the glow of affluence, and the pursuit of unforgettable experiences became the heartbeat of their shared journey.

Figo, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, couldn't resist stirring the pot. "Hey Ishaan, my man, where were you yesterday? We saw you on Instagram Live, dancing up a storm with a stunning girl. Any secrets you're hiding from the squad?"

Ishaan, caught off guard but not one to be easily flustered, shot back with a grin. "Oh, that? Just a spontaneous dance-off, you know. No secrets here, just enjoying life."

Neel, always quick to join in on the banter, added with a playful smirk, "Spontaneous, huh? Looked pretty rehearsed to me. Who's the mystery girl, Ishaan? Don't leave us hanging."

Su, chiming in with a sly comment, teased, "Yeah, spill the details, Ishaan. Is there a new dance partner we don't know about?"

Ishaan, now under the spotlight, decided to play along. "Oh, just someone I met at a party. No big deal. Just good vibes and some killer dance moves."

Figo, keeping the teasing alive, raised an eyebrow. "Come on, Ishaan, spill the beans. We want the inside scoop on your dance escapades."

Ishaan, feigning an air of mystery, leaned in and whispered, "Maybe you'll find out at the next party. Or maybe not. Gotta keep you guys on your toes."

The group erupted into laughter, the playful banter adding a light-hearted touch to their conversation. Neel, with a theatrical wink, concluded, "Alright, Ishaan, your dance moves might be smooth, but your secrets aren't getting past us. We'll crack the code soon enough."

As the banter and laughter filled the air, a subtle shift occurred in the atmosphere. Unnoticed by the others, Neel's infectious smile waned into a contemplative expression. His attention was drawn to the entrance of the college, where Malang made a casual yet animated entrance on a scooter, with Netra seated comfortably on the back.

In Neel's eyes, time seemed to momentarily freeze as he observed the carefree laughter shared between Malang and Netra. Their giggles, seemingly innocuous, echoed through the courtyard, but for Neel, they carried an undertone of discomfort.

A pang of something unfamiliar stirred within Neel - a feeling he hadn't anticipated. Malang's presence with Netra, the ease with which they shared moments of laughter, struck a chord within him. It was an emotion that Neel, reluctant to admit even to himself, could only describe as a subtle twinge of jealousy.

Ishaan, ever perceptive, noticed Neel's gaze shift, and he followed it to the entrance. The sight of Netra with Malang didn't go unnoticed by Ishaan either. A flicker of something unspoken passed between the friends, a silent acknowledgment of the complex emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

Neel's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Why did he feel this way? Netra was just a friend, right? He attempted to dismiss the inexplicable jealousy, convincing himself that it was a fleeting emotion. But the unease lingered, leaving Neel grappling with a discomfort he couldn't quite articulate.

On the other side, Ishaan, a master of masking his emotions, observed Neel with a sly grin. He, too, couldn't deny the strange twinge in his own chest at the sight of Netra and Malang together. His gaze remained fixed on the duo, an unspoken acknowledgment that mirrored Neel's unexplored emotions.

As the banter continued among the group, the subtle undercurrents of jealousy and unspoken tensions added a layer of complexity to the dynamics. In the college courtyard, where laughter and camaraderie reigned, the silent struggles of emotions began to cast shadows over the friendships that, unbeknownst to them, were on the brink of change.


Double update ✨

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