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.In the aftermath of the intense basketball game, Rihanna, Malang, Su, Netra, and Sam approached the victorious team to congratulate them.

Rihanna, being Neel's sister, was the first to embrace him, praising his exceptional gameplay. Her gaze then shifted to Ishaan, her best friend and secret crush. She hugged Ishaan warmly, softening the hug for Figo.

Rihanna: (Hugging Neel) "Great game, big brother! You killed it out there. And you," (looking at Ishaan) "you were amazing too, best friend."

Ishaan: (Grinning) "Thanks, Ri. We make a good team."

Figo winced in pain, and Su immediately went over.

Su, concerned for Figo's well-being, approached him and insisted on visiting the doctor. Despite Figo's resistance, Su, Sam, and some teammates persuaded him to seek medical attention.

Su: "Figo, you're not fine. Let's get you to the doctor."

Figo: "I'm fine, really. No need for a doctor."

Sam: "Come on, Figo, let's not take chances. We'll go together."

Meanwhile, Malang and Netra approached Neel and Ishaan.

Malang: (Hugging Ishaan) "That was incredible, Ishaan! And Neel, you were unstoppable!"

Neel nodded, intentionally ignoring Malang, causing a subtle tension.

Netra: (To Neel) "Congratulations, Neel. Thanks for the game."

Ishaan ruffled Malang's hair, and Netra thanked Neel for the game. While Ishaan and Malang engaged in conversation, Neel slipped away. Rihanna called Ishaan, and Malang noticed Neel's absence.

Malang: (Looking around) "Where's Neel?"

Rihanna: (Coughs) "Ishaan, join me for a moment. We need to discuss something."

As they left, Malang searched for Neel, unaware of the subtle tensions brewing among the group.

Malang: (Pouting) "Neel, why are you ignoring me? What did I do?"

Neel continued walking without responding, leaving Malang frustrated and upset. Undeterred, Malang followed him persistently, determined to get some answers.

Malang: (Speaking louder) "Neel, please talk to me! Did I do something wrong?"

Neel remained silent, fueling Malang's frustration. As they approached the college gate, Malang grabbed Neel's arm gently, trying to get his attention.

Malang: "Neel, we've been friends, and now you won't even talk to me? What's going on?"

Neel finally stopped but didn't face Malang. His voice was cold and distant.

Neel: "It's nothing. Just drop it."

Malang: (Hurt) "But I-"

Neel: "I said drop it, Malang."

With that, Neel walked away, leaving Malang standing there, puzzled and hurt by the sudden change in Neel's behavior.
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Poor malang~ 🥺 or not ? 

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