Chapter 12

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"Are you going to this camp trip thing?", I asked Leo. We currently sat at the lunch table in the cafeteria. "Yes probably, are you?", she asked. I nodded "Yeah I think so, maybe, this trip is going to take my mind of this whole thing." She looked at me worried. "Are you sure you are really okay, because if you are not, I am always here for you!" I slily smiled at her and rubbed my hands over my face. "Yes thanks, I am okay I guess", I sighed. It's been now five days since the accident happend. Jake and I told Jaini and she reported the man to the police, Leo cared for me every minute and Jake was just civil with me. My mother didn't even care when Jaini told her that I got attacked. I was really sad, I just thought, that my mother would care a little bit at this point, but turns out she was just to busy with her new husband. "OH, I am sorry, but this isn't my problem anymore", she said.
On this day my teacher announced that we would do a camp trip to a winter wonderland mansion. It was basically a big place with cabins, where we would stay for two weeks. It was in the holydays, but Leo wanted to go, so I would go too.

"Sophia, did you hear me?", Leo tore me out of my thoughts. "No sorry, what did you say?", I grinned cheekily at her. She rolled her eyes and said " I said, the break is finished, didn't you hear the bell?" I frowned. " No..., I guess I was lost in my thoughts", I giggled. Leo slapped my arm lightly and grinned " ok girl, come on, math is waiting for us." I groaned.


It was the last period of the day. The winter sun shone trough the dirty school window. The door busted open and Jake stormed into the classroom. "Mr., the class has already began, you are late", the teacher scolded at him. Jake just threw his all so famous smirk at him and made his way to the empty seat beside me. "Hey. how are you?", he asked.

"Good", I just nodded. "Are you going to this trip?", he asked. I nodded again.

"Now tell me what's wrong, you are not talking," he said wit a serious expression. I rolled my eyes "Jake I just want to work and now shut up." "Oh come on, this class is so boring", he whispered near to my ear. My breath hitched a little. I looked at him and realized we were really close to each other. I looked into his blue eyes and realized first then, that he had a brow point in the middle of his left eye. We stayed like this for a while. It was just we were lost into each others eyes. Until...

"Mr. Wess and Mrs. Evans you can cuddle at home", the teacher cleared his throat. I looked down at my paper. My face began to redden. I heard a quiet laugh besides me. I glared at Jake, he just grinned stupidly.


"Did you really had to do this?', I glared at Jake as we walked to his car.

Jake laughed "It wasn't my foult that you couldn't stop staring at me." "Haha really funny Jake, I didn't stare at you first of all and second of all you kept distracting me", I said. "So, so I distracted you?", Jake looked at me with a eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes and got into the car. Jake started the car and drove off the parking spot . "So how about we order food and go to a park and eat it there?", he asked. I smiled " Yes good idea."

"Of course it's a good idea, because I suggested it", Jake smirked. " Oh my God, how big is your ego, just shut up", I shouted and with that, I turned the volume of the radio up. I could still hear the faint laughter from Jake that sounded strangely much better than the music.

We ordered at this sweet restaurant. After 30 minutes our pizza was ready and we went to the park. The cold wind blew trough our hair, but the warm sun made the weather really pleasant. I sat down a bench near a lake. Jake sat beside me. We ate in silence until I decided to break it.
"So are you looking forward to next Monday?", I asked. He frowned "Why, what's next Monday?"

"Are you serious, next Monday is Christmas", I said. "Oh, yeah right, I forgot. No not really I mean it's just Christmas and I am not really religious. So I don't have anything to celebrate", he shrugged. I frowned "But you don't have to be religious to celebrate Christmas, I mean you can just celebrate with your family and have fun." He just shrugged again and bite into his last pizza slice. He seemed like he didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't ask further.

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