Chapter 4

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I woke up with hard headache. I groaned and touched my forehead. What the hell happened. "Morning sweety, Jake told me you didnt feel well. I made you some chicken soup", Jaini said

and placed the soup on a small table near the sofa. "thanks", I mumbled. Jaini poked my hair and went out of the room. I grabbed my phone and gasped at sight in front of me. On TikTok was a video off me dancing in the living room. It seemed like I was drunk. But I didn't remembered being drunk. Confused I scrolled through the comments. A tear slipped out of my eye. The comments were mean. Really mean. They said really bad things about me like: OMG she is such a whore or wtf is she doing so cringe. Who would do this to me. I looked at the account and saw the name. Of course it was the only and one Jake freaking Wess. How could he, I did nothing bad to him and he had to pull this. Angry tears streamed down my face. I was so angry I took badminton racket besides the couch. I was about to destroy the mirror as I stopped, this was not right. I couldnt do this. This isnt me I thought and sat back on the couch. I breathed in and out. My head pounded and the headache was stronger then before. Then I waited and waited for Jake to come home. I refused to eat, I told Jaini I wasnt hungry. In the afternoon Jaini went to work. As I laid on the couch and watched a movie, I heard the front door of the house open. I jumped from the couch and ran downstairs. I saw how Jake and Vanessa had a hard made out session in front of the door, but I didnt care. I yanked Jake from Vanessa and screamed at him "why did you do this, I did nothing to you asshole." Jake glared at me and shook my hand of his shoulder. "I did nothing to you what are talking about", he shouted back at me. "Don't play dump, you know exactly what you did", I glared at him. Jake looked at me confused "seriously I don't fucking know what you are talking about." I ground annoyed. "And what about the video you fucker?", and with that I shoved my phone in his face. He looked now just more confused. "I didnt upload the video, yes we took the video from you, I mean look at how high you are, but I swear I didn't upload the video!" he said with light grin on his face. "Are you serious right, you find it amusing how high I was, why did you take the video in the first place", I shouted at him angry. Then I came to the realization "Of course I know why you took the video of me, first of all you drugged me and secondly you thought really it was my first time being high" I laughed ironically. "OH wow big, bad Sophia drunk a beer, maybe that's why your mother didn't want to have you anymore", Jake smiled at me fake. That comment made me so angry, I just couldnt hold it anymore. I slapped him hard in his face "never speak about...", I couldn't finish the sentence, because Vanessa grabbed my hair and yelled at me with a shrill voice "how dare you slap him, he didn't upload the video, because I did." Jake and I both looked at her confused, "Yeah you heard right, I uploaded the video, because this little whore, didnt took my threat seriously. So I am going to tell you the last time", she pulled on my hair so hard that I thought she was gonna rip my hair out any minute "stay away from Jaki bear, I meant it and when you don't take this serious I am going to make you little shit life a living hell!" With that she threw me out of the house.

It's been two hours since Vanessa threw me out of the house. It isn't even her house. I tried banging on the door, but they didnt let me in. It was really cold. It was the beginning of the winter and the first snow began to fall. I froze all over. I just had thin pajama pans and a top on. I shivered as the wind blew the snowflakes in my face, I stood up and was about to walk down the stairs as I slipped and hit my head on one of the staircases. I immediately blacked out and saw only black.

I woke up with a pounding head, again, but I didnt lay on the stairs anymore. I lay on the couch, who was for once comfortable. I looked around the room, Jake was fast asleep. I stood up and went into the bathroom. I lifted my top and gasped at what I saw. A big wound spread all over my back. Now that I saw the wound, I could feel the pain now clearly stabbing in my back. I sighed and took my clothes off. I took a cold shower to ease the pain. After the shower I searched for any cream, for my back. After searching for what felt like a hour I finally found one. I massaged the cream slowly into the wound on my back. I hissed from the pain and grabbed the sink to not fall over from the pain. Exhausted I sat on the edge from the bathtub. After a while I went back to the room and fell quickly asleep.

I woke up from the pain. I groaned and sat up, then I went into the bathroom again to check up my wound. It didnt looked good, but I didnt know how to help myself there so I just took the cream. Then I changed my pajamas into normal clothes and applied a little bit mascara. I went downstairs where a plate with pancakes and a note on the table lay. The note simply said that Jaini went early to work and that I had to remind Jake to take me to school. I scoffed as read the part with Jake. "I'd rather take the bus", I whispered to myself. I ate a view pancakes and rushed out of the house, to not miss the bus. The morning snow glimmered in the sun and I tried my best not to slip again. I took a seat in the back of the bus and put my ear pods in my ear. I turned the Lana Del Rey song on full volume and looked out of the window. After 15 minutes the bus arrived at the school and I went out of the bus. I walked in the school and saw Leonie leaning against her locker. As she saw me walking in her direction she waved at me and shouted "Sophia over here." I walked to her, she embraced me with warm hug. As her arms touched my wound I hissed. "Are you okay", she asked me worried. "Yeah I just fell down the stairs, no biggie", I lied. If I told the truth, Vanessa would find out and kill me. We walked together to class and I told her about my family and my best friend. She was really interested about Maike and I had to tell her everything about her. I might introduce them I thought. I tried my best to avoid Jake, Vanessa and his friends. Ronnie tried to apologize and explain why they exactly drugged me, but I blew him off. Until the end of the school, because then he caged me in and said "look I am really sorry about what happened, we were really drunk and didn't know what we were doing, so please forgive me?" Ronnie pleaded. I sighed "ok I forgive you, but if you guys try something like this again, I wont forgive you so easily." "I promise this is not going to happen again and to prove my point I am going to give you a ride home", he grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him and giggled "OK, then let's go." Ronnie drove me back to the house and apologized one more time, I just waved him off. "Hey, how was school", Jaini welcomed me. "It was okay", I shrugged. Jaini cooked the meal for the evening and I made my homework. After that I checked my phone and saw that Leo send me a message.

Leo: Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a famous café with me and just hang there for a little bit? xo

Sofia: Hey, yeah sure, I am in. When do you want to meet?

Leo: 20 minutes ok? Ill pick you up.

Sofia: Yeah sure

"Hey Jaini, is it okay if I am going to meet with Leo?", I asked Jaini. Jaini smiled at me happily "yes sure, but don't be too late back home!" "Okay, thanks", I squealed. I made me a little bit fresh and then went downstairs. The doorbell rung already, but before I could open the door, Jake did. "Leo?, what are you doing here?", Jake asked confused. Leo grinned at me and then said to Jake "well, I am not here for you, actually I am here for the dear Sofia." Jake tensed when he heard my name and turned around. His eyebrows scrunched together as he looked at me, I smiled at him triumphantly and raked me into Leos arm. "Bey Jaini", I shouted and with that we went to Leos car. The ride to the café was really fun, we sung Christmas songs, talked and laughed. As we sat in the café, Maike called me. I felt really guilty, because I forgot to call her. "Hi, Maike, I am soo sorry, I totally forgot to call you I freaked out." "It's okay, how is it going?", she asked. After that question I told her everything about Jake and I even introduced Leo and Maike. The three of us talked really long. I could see how good the two of them harmonized. That made me really happy, because first of all they were both gay and secondly Maike had a really rough past with her sexuality. They gave each other their number and of course we made a group chat together. After I ended the call, Leo and I talked for a while and went eventual home.

"I am back" I shouted as I went into the house. "Hey, did you have a good evening honey", Jaini asked wit a friendly smile. "Yes", I said as we hugged. I then went upstairs. Jake wasnt in his room so I just changed there. I was about to take of my bra, as Jake came into the room. I screamed and held my hoody for my body. Jake looked at me terrified and then said "what happened to your back, it looks really bad." "PHH, you are lying, it doesn't even hurt anymore", I scoffed. I turned and looked in the mirror. Then I screamed again. The wound looked really, really terrible.

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