Chapter 11

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The birds chirped, as I opened my eyes the light morning sun blended me. I grounded. Yesterday's events came into my thoughts. I smiled. Not in my whole life did anybody like Jake did yesterday,do something like that for me and I was really grateful for it. I hopped out of my warm covers. Jake's bed was empty. I was confused, where could he be on a Sunday morning.

I made my way down the stairs. There I saw him. The bright winter sun shone in his perfect face and revealed details I had never seen before on his face. "Good morning", I said softly to him. He looked up and grumbled "hi" back. I sat
awkwardly on the chair and taped with my fingernails on the kitchen counter. I just didn't know what to say. Maybe I was a little scared too, I was scared that Jake might regret what he had done for me.  A loud noise broke the awkward silence between us. Jake's phone rang and he picked up. I stood up from the chair and made my way to the fridge. I ate my favourite celery and watched insta on my phone. After a while Jake came back. "Thank you for yesterday, it meant everything to me", I said a little embarrassed. Jake looked up from his phone and in my eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but didn't. After a while he said "you're welcome, but I think it's better for both of us, if we don't become friends or something like that, it would make your life miserable with Vanessa." I looked at him confused. "Are you serious right now, what do you mean with Vanessa she isn't even at our school anymore, did you not know", I asked.
Jake looked suddenly upset and glared at me "no I didn't, but trust me it's just better if we go back hating each other!" I wanted to say " But...", I couldn't finish my sentence, Jake stormed out of the room. I was so disappointed and confused at the same time. Why wouldn't he want to be my friend? Was I so bad? I sighed. Jake did really regret it,                     I thought. I went upstairs and made me ready for the day. I wore my favourite pants and a hoody. Then I made my way outside. I wanted to go to the beach to let my thoughts flow.

I sat on the sand. The cold winter breeze blew through my hair. My ear pods in my ears. I looked up the sky. The sun shone down at me and I let my thoughts drift to home. But where was my home. I didn't felt at home at Jake's and I didn't felt at home in Germany. So where was my home? A tear slipped down my cheek. I felt so alone at this moment. No one was there for me. Not even my own mother. I stood up,  the breeze dryed my wet checks. I walked down the beach to the water. I smiled at the sight in front of me. The water glitterd from the sun. It was already midday and the sun began to set. I made my way back to the house.

The streetlights shone above me and the streets were quiet. Suddenly I heard something. I turned around but saw nothing. I shrugged. As I was about to go further, a sharp material was hold against my neck . "Give me all your money or I am going to kill you", a ugly voice wishperd me in my ear. I shiverd. "I don't have money on me" I stutterd. "Then give me youre Phone", he groweld angry. With shaky hands I pulled my phone out of my pockets. "Please let me go", I shiverd still in fear. The guy laughed ugly. He pulled my phone out of my hands and kicked with his knee in my back. I fell on the ground, the pain from my back wound came back immediately. The stranger grabbed my face and turned me to him. A disgusting grin spread across his face. He then said "now little girl, give me what I want." He looked hungryly on my bust size. I looked at him in a fear. I closed my eyes as he was about to grab my pants, but it never came.

Instead I heard a loud groun and fists banging on the face of the stranger. I opened my eyes and the sight before me send shivers down my spine. Before me was Jake as he threw his fist at the strangers face. Jake shouted at the man. But I couldn't understand anything the moment was to unreal. My hands and legs shook still in fear. My cheeks wet, from all the crying. Suddenly my lungs decided to fail and I couldn't breathe
anymore. I tried to gasp for air but it didn't work. "Jake, please", I chocked out. He turned to me. His hands bloody and scraped. He ran up to me. Screamed at me to breath. My vision blurred. The tears streamed now out of my eyes like a waterfall, my breathing was still miserable. The seconds felt like minutes and the minutes like hours. I panicked, I couldn't breath and the tears wouldn't stop. But then I felt a contact on my skin. A contact that calmed me down immediately. I was in Jake's arm. We lay on the ground. My breathing still irregular. Jake stroked my hair and wishperd soothing words in my ear. I calmed down slowly. The tears stoped and I could breath fully again. "Are you okay", he whispered in my ear. "No", I wishperd back. He sighed and sat us up. "You know, I am really sorry about today morning, I said that, because…", he paused for a minute, "if we become friends, I am just so afraid to lose you as a friend, because I lost my father and he meant a lot to me and…", he paused again. I looked at him. Waiting for him to finish his sentence. "I don't know why or how to say it but, in this short time we know each other, you mean a lot to me too, you know." I smiled  "thank  you, I really needed to hear that." "I just dreamed from him last night and it made me just so afraid and…", I stopped him before he could speak further. "It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself, sometimes we do stupid things in life, even if we hurt somebody else with the words we said, we can still apologise and that makes it okay. Okay not fully okay but you tried to apologise and that makes it okay, because you are regretting the things you said! I am not going to be angry for what you said to me!" He looked grateful at me. It was silent for a moment. Then I said " Do you know what is not okay?", I asked him. He shook his head. "You know, as I called my mother yesterday, she told me she got married a few weeks ago. That is not okay because she didn't even invite me", a tear slipped down my cheek. I didn't know why I told it Jake but I felt better now. "I am sorry", he said quit. "Don't be!"

After that we went home in silence, neither of us didn't know what to say. I was still traumatised from the events before and he was probably lost in his thoughts. As we arrived on the house I took a shower. The hot water drummed against my back until it was red. After the long shower, I went to bed and the sleep over came soon, because I was so exhausted.


Hey Guys,

I just wanted to say thanks to those who gave this story a chance and for the one who voted, I know it's not many but it means really a lot to me, because I am totally new to this whole thing.
By the way I think you noticed, in my chapters were no quotation marks, I've improved everything. Again, sorry for that.

Much love 💕

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