Chapter 10

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The rain drummed against the window as I woke up. The snow that once laid on the ground was now gone. What a great birthday weather I thought. Jake was fast asleep on his bed. I stood up and went down into the kitchen. I made bacon and eggs. My father used to make bacon and eggs on my birthday. I smiled as I tasted the bacon. It was my favorite part. My phone began to ring. I picked it up in hope it was my mom. "Hey Sophia, happy birthday" sounded the happy voice from my best friend from the other side of the phone. "Thanks, Maike. I really miss you", I smiled sad. Maike chuckled "I really miss you too." We talked a little bit on the phone but she then had to go. I finished eating and washed the dishes. Jake came downstairs. He had freshly washed hair, but he had big black circled under his eyes. He looked at me and opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again. He went to me and pointed to the egg and bacon I cooked. "Can I have some", he asked. "Sure", I just said and went out of the way. Before I could go away, he grabbed my hand. I looked at him confused. "Look, about what happened yesterday, I am really sorry and I really mean it, because actually I don't do apologizing", he said serious. I sighed "What happened, happened and neither you or I can make it undone, it's just bothering me that she knows." He looked guilty. I smiled at him weakly but fake and went upstairs. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and hair and put some clothes on. I wanted make the best out of the day, so I wanted to go to the pet shelter. I went out of the house to the bus station. As the bus arrived I sat in the back of the bus. Fade into you by Mazzy Star boomed in my ears. I looked out of the window. The rain lashed against the window of the bus. Today was a really shit weather. Perfect for my mood I thought. After a while the bus arrived. I stepped out and walked the rest of the way to the shelter. An old woman welcomed me as I arrived at the shelter. "Hi, I am here to walk the dogs", I said politely. The woman smiled at me "oh sure, I am going to show you your dog for today." She walked me to the dog. It was a husky puppy. He was so cute. "He's so cute", I said in aw. The woman smiled again "Yeah, his name is Bruno." I petted his soft fur and said in a sweetly voice "hi Bruno, I am going to walk you now." Bruno jumped at my leg and licked my hand. The woman laughed a little and gave me the supplies for the walk. I strapped Bruno to his leash and started walking. I went with him to the dog park where he could play with other dogs and sat on a bench. Even with the weather so bad my mood brightened when I saw this little puppy. After a while I felt somebody sit down next to me. I looked to my left and saw a boy my age. "Hey", he said. "Hi", I said back not in the mood to talk. I looked back at Bruno. He didn't take the hind and talked again "my name is Rider und yours?" "Sophia", I said still looking at Bruno, who now began to play in the mud. "You know, I know Jake and I would be careful around him", he said. I looked at him strangely and asked "and why would I take an advice from a stranger, I don't even know you and I have to go now, so sorry." With that I went to Bruno and went with him back to shelter. As I arrived back at the shelter I cleaned Bruno and cuddled with him on his own couch. Then after a while I said goodbye to him and the old woman. I couldn't stop hoping that my mother would call. I looked every minute on my phone, in hope to see the name of my mom plopping on, on my screen. I went to the bus and drove to a store. I went in, bought a cupcake and candles. I then went back home. It was now evening, the sun began to set and the rain stopped. You could now see orange, purple colors spread

all around the sky.

I sat in the kitchen it was now 9:50pm. I looked out of the kitchen window. The moon and the stars shone bright trough the window. Jake wasn't home as I came back. I was a little glad about that, because I wanted to eat the cupcake in silent. But a little part of me wished I had a bit company. The cupcake sat before me on the kitchen counter, my phone beside it. My mom still didn't call. I gave her 10 minutes, till 10pm to call, if she didn't call by then, I wanted to call her on my own. I waited , but she didnt call, I was disappointed. Why couldnt my mom just remember my birthday. The clock showed now 10pm. I took my phone in my hand and clicked on the contact from my mother. It beeped for a few minutes until she picked up the phone. "Hello, who is this?", my mom asked with a groggy voice. "Hi mom, it's me Sophia", I answered. "Sophia, why are you calling me?", my mom asked me. I sighed, of course she didnt remember. "Mom why would I call you on this 17th December. Just think for a moment, what happened 18 years ago?", I spoke now with wobbly voice. "Honey, how would I know what happened 18 years ago, that's a long time ago", my mom said confused. Tears stared to fall out of my eyes. "Are you serious?" I sniffed. "Sophia, I really don't have time for your grab right now, I really have to go to my husband right now", my mother said annoyed. I froze. "You…you have a husband?" "Yes, didn't I tell you, I got married a few weeks ago, my mom spoke." I was stunned, she didnt even tell me. I didnt respond to her question, I just revealed why I called her. "Mom, do you really want to know why I called you?", I asked her. My mom responded now more annoyed "Yes, tell me already!" "I called you because, today  18 years ago, you gave birth to me. Today is my birthday mom and you didn't even remember", I spoke hurt. "Ugh, thats why. Yeah sorry Sophia I totally forgot I make it up to you I promise", with that she hung up. After that I broke down, the tears just couldnt stop falling out my eyes. With shaky hands I took one candle. I put the candle in the cupcake, lit it. I then blew it out. "Happy birthday to me", I whispered to myself. I sat there for what felt like hours, crying in my hands. I didnt notice as someone laid its hand on my shoulder. "Sophia?", this someone asked me. I looked up. Before me stood Jake. He had a worried expression on his face. "What happened?", he asked. I looked at him, my eyes probably red. I didnt answer. He then looked down at my cupcake with the candle in it. "Wait do you have birthday?", he asked again. "No,… yes", I stuttered now embarrassed. "Then why are you crying, birthdays are great", he spoke. I sighed "Yeah, they are great if your mom remembers them." He looked at me shocked, but then said "come with me." I looked at him confused. He just took my hand and pulled me to his car. The drive was silent. He didnt asked more questions which I was glad about. He drove us to a store and got out. He turned to me and said "wait here, I am not going to take long", with that he went into the store. After a few minutes he came back, got into the car and began to drive. "So, you are going to have to close your eyes, because this is a little surprise", he said. "Okay", I said a little unsure. After a while the car stopped again. Jake got out and took me by my hand. He pulled me careful down a path. I could hear the waves. But I wasn't sure so I asked "are we at the beach?" Jake just chuckled and led me further. We stopped, I heard something rustle. "Can I open my eyes now", I asked nervous. "Yeah you can", Jake assured me. As I opened my eyes I had to gasp. Before me I saw a blanket laying on the beach. On the blanket stood a cake with a candle in it. Around the blanket was a fairy light. I smiled "this is beautiful, how did you do this so quickly?" He grinned and just shrugged. He then said "blow the candle out." I nodded. We sat down together on the blanket and I blew the candled out. This time I wished for something. "Thank you, I hadn't something like this for a while now", I smiled at him. He smiled back. "What are friends for", he chuckled. I laughed "we are friends?" He raised his eyebrows at me. "Look there is something", Jake pointed to the sea. I looked confused to the sea and before I could do something it was to late. I felt as the cake splashed right into my face. "Oh my gosh Jake, why did you do this", I yelled. He just laughed at me. I took the rest of the cake and splashed the cake in his face too. He yelped and jumped of the blanket. Know I was laughing at him. "It's just fair, you did this to me too", I laughed at him as he glared at him. But then his face softened and he said "I am going for a swim, do you want to come?" "But it's dark", I said a little bit worried. He just shrugged "and?" "Okay", I gave in. We run in the sea with our clothes on. We played a little in water, splashed each other and laughed. After a while I said "I am cold, let's get out." Jake nodded and we went to the blanket. I laid down on the blanket and looked up the sky. I felt as Jake laid besides me. "You know, I didn't have this much fun for a long time, so thank you", I said sheepish. "Your welcome", he just said. We laid there for a while, looking up the sky. It was silent until Jake decided to brake the silent. "I still have something for you", he said and sat up. I followed his action. He pulled a little box out of his hoody. "Here, open it", he gave me the box. I opened it. In it was a beautiful necklace. I looked at it in aw. "It was my mothers, my father gave it to her when they got married and she then gave it to me. She said I should give it to my girlfriend or someone really important", he spoke again. I looked at him confused "but I am neither your girlfriend nor I am that important to you because, we have known each other for like two months." He smiled. "Yeah you're right, but I know you are the only person who wouldn't throw it away, no matter what." I smiled at that. I then said playfully "how would you know?" He chuckled, looked me in my eyes and said "because Sophia you are very easy to read!" I hated how easy he could read me, but he was right, because I knew this necklace was very important to him and his mom. I looked back at him for a moment. Then I hugged him. He went stiff, but then relaxed and hugged me back. "Thank you, and yes you are right I would never throw it away. No matter what!" I felt how Jake smiled in my neck. We then pulled back. "Let's go home I am cold", I grinned at him and he grinned back. After we cleaned up we went back home and to sleep.

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