Chapter 3

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I knocked on the door and heard a snarky voice say "Yeah", with shaky hands I opened the door and said "Hi, I am new here and I am late because I missed my bus." The teacher locked at me in disbelief and said with a stern tone "Tsk, tsk I see Miss Evans right on the first day, I am sure you enjoying detention very much or you have to write a text about why you shouldn't come late to class especial on the first day, which one of the punishment would you like?" I cringed at her choice of words. "I take detention", I said. By now the whole class had their attention to us "Mhh", she said, "You can take the sit beside", she locked around class, "actually you can switch sits with Vanessa." I locked to this Vanessa girl and was shocked. She sat on a lab from a boy who seemed oddly familiar. They had a hard made out session. "VANESSA", the teacher yelled so loud, that even I had to cringe. "Ughh what do you want", this girl said with a high pitched voice. "Switch your sits with Miss Evans", the teacher said annoyed. Vanessa threw a disgusted lock at me and got down from the lab of the boy. Oh and as I saw the face the anger rose quickly back in my body. It was of course Jake Wess. I glared at his annoying handsome face. As he saw me he threw a smirk at me and it made my anger rise even more. "Do you want to stand there the whole day?", the teacher sneered at me. "Yeah right sorry", I gave her my fakest smile and sat down. The rest of the lesson was boring, I just took notes and ignored the glare that burned in my back from Vanessa.

As I was about to go to my next class someone tripped me. I fell straight on my face. I locked up and saw the face from a brunette bitch. You have three guesses. Right it was Vanessa. "Listen here and right now, Jaki boy is mine and if you ever and I mean ever glare at him again or sit near him again I am going to make your life a freaking hell", the bitch shouted at me with her high pitched voice. Then she stepped on my hand with her 6 inch heels. "Ups sorry" she chirped. I groaned. "Oh my god, are you okay?", a girl asked me and helped me stand up. "Yeah, don't worry", I said. "I am Leonie by the way", she introduced herself. I smiled at her "Sofia."

Turns out Leonie or just short Leo and I had the same class together. She told me that Vanessa and Jake are the school couple. And guess what Leo is the best friend of Jake and his cousin, but they are nothing alike and I am glad about that . She was sure that were are going to be besties and I told her about me and what Jake had done to me. She said exactly the same thing Jaini said. But I was not so sure about it (I was right about this point).

The rest of the school day I spent with Leo. She promised me to spend the midday with me, but she couldnt give me ride home because, I had of course the detention. I sighed as I stood for the detention class. I knocked and opened the door, the teacher was fast asleep. I rolled my eyes and sat in the back of the classroom who I was currently the only one in. But unfortunately not long, because the devil himself stepped in, with his two friends. I raised an eyebrow at him and said "if that isn't the reason why I am here in the first place." "Oh boy, nerd girl is the first time in detention, what your mum must think of this." My face dropped off the mention of my mum, but I hissed back "No shit sherlock, maybe it's my first detention, because we don't have it in Germany." I heard his friends snicker at my comment and Jake just threw a glare at me. The rest of the detention was really annoying because Jake and his friend made it their mission to throw paper bells at me until I woke up the teacher. Then they ran like hell out of the room and I had to explain the teacher why I had to wake him.

The cold breeze blew through my hair, as I waited for the bus. I shivered from the cold contact. It was already dark, because we had atom obviously. A loud ding ripped me out of my thoughts. Leo texted me, I swiped in our chat and my face dropped: Leo: Hi girl can we meet tomorrow, today is really bad Sofia: Hey, yes no problem.

I sighed and checked the bus plan, of course the bus had to be canceled. I kicked a rock, the day couldnt get any worse right? I plugged my ear pods in and walked back. A black car hold near me. The driver rolled his window down and behind the window was one of the friends of Jake. He had dark brown hair and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "Do you need a ride", he asked me. "I'd rather walk", I mumbled. "Oh come on I am not like Jake, you can trust me!" "Mhh, sure", I just continued to walk. "Seriously you can trust me and I am going to Jake's right now so it's no problem." "Ok, but if this is one of your stupid pranks, I am going to kill you", I grumbled. I got into the car and we drove to the house. "I am Ronni by the way", he said. I just nodded and said "Sofia", the rest of the ride was silent. As we arrived at the house he grinned "see, I didn't prank you." I raised an eyebrow and said "we'll see about that." He laughed and we got out of his car. As I stepped into the house Jaini welcomed me and said "Oh dear, sorry that you had to take the bus, but Jake just forgot you." "no its ok, I had a ride home", I chuckled. "Do you maybe want to help me cook?", she asked me. I just nodded and helped her. After we all ate, I made my homework and learned a little bit in the living room. In the evening Jaini went to work and Jake went to a club with his friends, so I was all alone. I sat on the couch in the living room and read a book. However the book was really boring so I fell asleep.
"Sofia, waky waky, we have something for you", someone whispered in my ear. "let me sleep", I mumbled in the pillow from the couch. I feel asleep again until I felt something colt on my back. I jumped from the couch and saw three boys for me. They grinned at me stupidly and I asked "what do you want from me?" "we baked some brownies for my mother, can you try them for us please?", Jake asked. "WOW, please ok, give me one", I sighed. They handed me one of the brownies and I tried them. "Mhh wow, they are surprisingly really good", I said surprised. "do you want another one", the boy with the name I didnt know asked me. "hihi Yeah sure, when you ask like that Herbert", I giggled. He gave me another one and another one and another until I realized that the brownies I ate werent normal brownies., because I felt really drunk. I stumbled around the place, giggled. What I didnt notice that the boys filmed me. I danced and said drunk "O M G, boys you are the best, these brownies are the best!" I grinned at them and was about to take my shirt off, when Jake pulled my shirt down again and said "ok that's enough, go now to sleep!" I began to fake cry and said with a sad voice "NO, but I want to take my shirt off", I pushed him away and pulled off my shirt and ran out in the garden. There I saw the pool and shouted "YEAH, a pool", and with that I jumped into the pool. The cold water from the pool woke me a little bit up and I realized what I had done. Oh no I thought, I cant swim.

I waved my arms wildly, to avoid to drown. "Help, please I cant swim", I yelled scared. I swallowed the pool water and panicked even more. I felt as my lungs filled with the disgusting chlorine water of the pool. I dont how long I was in this pool, but after what felt like 2 hours, a pair of strong arms pulled me out of the water. Then I fainted.

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