Chapter 7

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It was late at night as I came home, because I stayed at the library for a while after I met with Leo. The entire house was dark and quite. As I made my way to the bedroom, someone grabbed my arm. I was so startled by the cold contact on my arm, that I let out a loud scream. I gasped and slapped my hand over my mouth. I turned around, still in shock and whispered "Sorry." But as I saw the person who grabbed me, my mood became worse. Behind me stood a clearly amused Jake. "What do you want?", I gritted with a clenched jaw. Jake who grinned just a view seconds before had now a serious look on his face. "I wanted to say sorry for how I reacted back at school, I knew it was her, I just had to act, you know what I mean", he said. A try laugh escaped my lips. I scoffed "You can stop acting now, she found out. Why would she put the toilets on fire if she wouldn't know. Seriously Jake I thought you were smarter than that." Jake looked shocked at what I had said. "I didn't know, seriously I am really sorry", Jake said. "Then how could she find out, you and Ronni were the only ones who knew and I am sure it wasn't Ronni", I said in disbelief. "Are you seriously saying that I told her. Sofia I promised you I wouldn't tell her. You didn't told my mum that I drunk that day, do you know how much that means to me. If my mum had found out I would be in a military camp", Jake shouted at me angrily. I looked at him guilty. "But who could have told her", I asked. "I don't know maybe one of her friends found out or something like that and told her", Jake shrugged. I was silent for a moment and then asked again "what are you going to do now, now that she knows?" Jake shrugged "I don't know, probably breaking up with her." "Okay, but now let's go upstairs I am really tired", I said yawning. "But what about your wounds, you have to refresh them", Jake said with a little worried tone laced in his voice. "Oh, yea right. I totally forgot about that", I thought for a moment and then spoke again, "tomorrow is another day to refresh them." Jake laughed quietly but then said "No seriously Sophia, you have to refresh them, otherwise your wounds could become infected." "Okay sorry doctor Jake, I didn't know", I joked. Jake grinned a little bit and offered then "I could help you if you want." My checks flushed at the offer. Jake would see me then in bra. I hesitate. "Ok, but just my back, I can do my stomach myself." Jake nodded and we went together into the bathroom.

"Its okay, you don't have to be shy. There is nothing I haven't seen before", Jake grinned at me as we stood together in the bathroom. "Haha really funny Jake", I said. I took of my shirt and faced my back to Jake. He took of my bandage. I sucked my breath in, as the adhesive material of the bandage slid across my skin. "Sorry", Jake said quietly to me. "Its okay", I assured him. He took the cream and smeared the cooling material on my wound. His hands felt soft on my skin and I got goosebumps all over my body. I tried to focus on the cooling affect the cream had, but with us being so near to each other, it was really difficult. My checks began to flush, but he then rose me out of my thoughts and said "Okay, all done. Here you go, the cream", he gave me the cream and continued, "I am going to be in my room", with that he went out of the bathroom. I let out a breath, my checks still a little flushed from the moment before. I sat on the edge of the bathtub. I sat there for a while and then continued to smear to cream over my wounds. After that I made myself ready for bed. I checked the clock and was shocked at the sight in front of me. We had 4 am. I quickly went into the bedroom and went to sleep.

The next morning was chaotic. We overslept. "Sophia, wake up we overslept", Jake woke me. I stumbled out my bedcovers and rushed to the bathroom. I quickly brushed through my dirty blond hair and put random clothes from the bathroom floor on. I stepped out of the bathroom and met the face of a really confused Jake. I looked at him confused too and asked "what?" "Why are you wearing my shirt?", he asked. I looked down at me and realized that I wore really his shirt. I then could smell the really sexy man cologne that rose from his shirt. My checks flushed in embarrassment. I said sheepishly "ups, sorry I was in a rush, I change it quickly." "No let it on, it's okay, there is no time to change", he said. I mumbled a quiet "thanks", and we went downstairs to his car. As we arrived at school class had already started. We rushed in school and to our classes. My first lesson was art so I didnt had to worry about detention, our teacher was really chill. I plopped down at my seat besides Leo. "Tsk, Tsk why are you late?", Leo asked me with a raised brown, she then looked at me confused and asked again "and why are you wearing a shirt from Jake?" I laughed embarrassed "we overslept and I didn't see what shirt I was grabbing so I accidentally grabbed his shirt." Leo grinned at me in disbelieve. "No I swear it was like that, you're thinking completely wrong", I laughed at her. "Okay I believe you, but dont let Vanessa know that you wearing his shirt. She is going to kill you", Leo said with a serious look. "Shit, I totally forgot about her and know that Jake is going to break up with her", I cursed. Leo gasped "whaat hes going to break up with her?" "Yeah I think so", I just shrugged. She sighed dramatically and continued with her portrait. I plucked my ear pods in my ear and continued with my portrait too. Mid class the door opened and a angry Vanessa stormed into the classroom. "Where is the bitch", she mumbled loud enough so that the class could understand her. Her eyes scanned the classroom until they landed directly on me. She looked at me disgusted. Then she stormed to me, grabbed my hair and pulled me over the desk so that I landed on the hard classroom floor. I screamed as the hard floor slapped my face. "You fucking bitch, you took him from me, you little pathic whore, I hate you, you cunt", she screamed at me. Vanessa hit me hard in my face. It took three people to pull her away from me. She tried to break free but the teacher pulled her out of the classroom. Leo helped me up and asked me worried "are you okay?" I just nodded, but I wasnt really okay my face hurt like really bad. The whole class looked at me in shook and I hated the attention. Leo saw that I was really uncomfortable and pulled me out of the classroom. "Sophia for real now, are you sure you're okay?" Leo asked again worried. I shook my head no. She looked me with a sad face and hugged me. As I hugged her back, I couldnt hold the tears anymore that threaten to fall out of my eyes. "Oh Sophia don't cry over that bitch, she is just insecure about herself", Leo said to me with a soothing voice. "But why me I didn't even do anything to her", I cried in her arms. Leo didn't answer me, she just hold me tight. After a while she helped me get to the school doctor. The doctor cleaned my wound and called me sick for the rest of the day. The doctor then said to me "Could anyone drive you home?" Leo was about to answer when the doctor door opened and someone stepped in. That someone said "Yeah, I can drive her home." As I recognized the voice I turned around. In the doorstep stood Jake he had his and mine back in his hands. I looked at him confused. Why would he want to drive me? "Good, now that this is settled you are dismissed", the doctor said to us. Leo helped to get out of the doctor office. She then hugged me one last time and said with a serious expression on her face "take good care of her, I call you after school!", Jake nodded and helped me out of school. We went to his car and he opened the door for me. I thanked him quietly and sat in the car.

The drive was silent until Jake broke the silent. "Look I am sorry about what happened today, but I couldn't tolerate her anymore, she was annoying as fuck", he said. I sighed "it's not your fault. She is just crazy and insecure about herself." Jake chuckled "did Leo tell you that she is insecure about herself." I looked at him confused "yeah, why do you mean?" He shrugged "she used to tell me that when I started dating Vanessa." I grinned at him weakly and laid my head against the car window. Jake turned the volume of the car music down so I could sleep. I smiled at that action, but in the back of my mind float the question: why is he so nice, around. With that thought I fell asleep.

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