Chapter 8

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Jakes POV. (arrival of Sophia)

It was a sunny Sunday morning. I made my way into the bathroom. My head throbbed. The party yesterday was wild. I didn't know anything anymore, but I knew I was wasted. My phone ringed, I looked at the caller name and saw it was my best friend Ronnie. I picked up and the cheery voice from my best friend welcomed me. "Hey Jake, do you want to hang out later with Lauri and me?", he asked through his phone. "Yeah sure, but I have to help my mum first with guest or something like that", I sighed. "Oh okay, no problem just text me when you are coming over", Ronnie said. I said quickly "ok" and hung up. I went into the bathroom, put on some clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning honey, I made you some pancakes, my mother", chirped at me. I gave her a kiss on the check and thanked her. "Don't forget to help me later ok, I am going to pick her up now, my mum reminded me." I rolled my eyes and said with an annoyed voice "yeah I know you told me often enough." My mother sighed and went out of the house without an another word. I knew she was disappointed in me. I started fights in school, drunk often alcohol and went nearly every night on parties. I tried to change for her but it was a hard process and she just couldn't understand it. This thought made me mad and before I could throw the plate at the wall, I stood up and stormed back in my room. I sat on my bed and stared at the wall. A loud ding rose me back from my angry thoughts. I looked down on my phone. It was my so called girlfriend Vanessa. I opened her message and saw a picture from her in a weary tight dress. But before I could do something further my mother called me down. I threw my phone on my bed and went to the stairs. In the Living room stood my mum and a friendly looking girl with long dirty blond her. She was beautiful, but definitely not my type. She looked to soft for me. She had a drink in her hand and as looked at me she chocked on her drink and began to cough. I smirked at that. My mother looked at her worriedly. I rolled my eyes at that. My mother then said "Sofia this is my lovely son Jake and Jacke this Sofia." "And what has this", I pointed at her, "has to do anything with me?", I asked stupidly. "Jake I told you this morning that we are having a guest over did you already forget?", my mum asked me with a stern look. I sighed "No, I was just joking." My mother shook her head at me and then said "before I forget Jake and Sophia you are both sharing a room, because we have no other room for you Sophia, I am sorry." I looked at her shocked "Seriously mum I am not sharing my bedroom with her", I shouted angrily. Before my mum could say anything this girl Sophia asked confused "wait I have to share a room with him?" I looked at her confused, where was this girl as we talked about that. I then said to her "oh shit she got it all figured out, are you stupid, what are we talking about right now." My mum looked at me angrily and shouted at me "Jake enough with this, you being un respectfully now, she is sleeping in your room if you like it or not. We don't have the space for another bedroom so cut the slack." I scoffed and hissed at her "whatever I am out", and with that I stormed down the stairs and out of the house, leaving a shocked Sophia and my angry mum behind me.

The warm fall sun shone on my face as I walked down the street to the house from Lauri. As I arrived I rung the bell and the door opened. Infront of me stood Lauris little sister. She was 5 years old and had the same magical eyes like her brother. My mood brightened as I saw the bubbly little girl before me. "Hi Jaki, Lauri and Ronnie are upstairs", she chirped at me. "Thanks Lizzi", I thanked her and ruffled her angel blond hair. She giggled and run back in the living room where her mum sat on one of the couches. As she saw me she smiled at me and welcomed me. I smiled back at her and went upstairs to my friends. As I stepped in the room from Lauri, a sweet smell entered my nostrils. "What smells so good?", I asked. Ronnie grinned at me and said "Lauris lovely mum baked for us." I made an mhh sound and grabbed one of the cookies and laid down on Lauris bed. We talked for a while and decided then to go to our favorite caffe. We went to the caffe and sat on our regular table. The waitress welcomed us with a boring look as always. But I had to admit she looked kind of hot. She took our orders and went in the back of the caffe. "So what's up with you, you seem kind of off today?", Lauri asked me. I shrugged and said "nothing, I just had a fight with my mum that's it." "Maybe you should make her present, like cooking in the morning or something like this. I am sure she would be proud of you", Ronnie suggested. I shrugged again "I'll think about it." The waitress finally brought our food and we ate, while I ate in silent, Ronni and Lauri yapped about some girls. Sometimes they are really annoying. After we ate and paid we went to the back of the house. We stood there and talked. This was our spot since we knew each other. Suddenly there was a loud thud. It was silent for a moment until Lauri said "Yo guys did you hear that?" Ronnie said "Yea it came from the bush I think." We went to bush near the house and looked behind it. As I saw who was laying there I groaned. "You've got to be kidding me", I cursed. Behind the bush laid Sophia. She looked at us with innocent eyes and said "ohh well upsi that wasn't the door wasn't it?" I heard Ronnie and Lauri chuckle. Ronnie said with an amused tone "No it wasn't", I rolled my eyes. What was she even doing here. But then I thought about something. What when she is stalking me? So I spoke "What are you doing here, wait are you stalking me?" She began to stutter "wha, no you got that all wrong", her face flushed and she continued "I did exactly this to avoid you", she tried to explain.

"Yeah, Yeah, just get out of my face!", I mumbled. "Ok then, it was nice to meet you guys, I have to go now, because, because never mind", she tried to stand up, but then landed directly on her butt. She made an sound I couldn't clearly understand. Her checks now even more flushed then before. She looked at me and asked me sheepish "do you mind helping me up here?" I was annoyed from her but held my hand in her face. She pulled herself up and said "See ya", with that she run away. "What was that about and why are you knowing her and we don't?", Lauri asked me amused. Then I had to tell them what had really happened back at home. Before they could say anything a loud laugh interrupted us. We turned around and saw Rider a boy from an another school stand there. He had heard us and approached us. I grounded, that day couldnt get any worse couldnt it. I wasnt on good terms with Rider because I made out with his sister on a party. After he found out, he tried to fight with me, but lost miserably. "My favorite boy Jake has a new chick at home how great", he shouted to us. I rolled my eyes and said smirking "please Rider leave us alone or do you want to lose another fight?" Rider just scoffed but then said "I come in peace and I have an offer for you. If you could make that girl fall in love and blow her off in front of the whole school after it, I forget that incident with my sister and I am going to give you 1000 dollars." I stared at him, 1000 dollars was a lot. I knew Rider was rich, but a bet like this. I looked at my friends. They just shrugged. But I wanted to prove to him that I was better so I said "Okay. I take the offer, but then I want you to tell everybody how great I am." "Okay, bet, but if you lose you have to pay me the 1000 dollar", he smirked. With that he walked away.

"Are you sure you want to do that, she seemed actually sweet and what if you lose" , Ronnie asked me. I scoffed "first of all she is not sweet and second of all I am not going to lose. Do I look like a softie?" Lauri grinned at me "and what about 8th grade when you cried as you wrote an f." "Shut up", I shouted at him as he began to run away from me. Ronnie stood laughing behind us, as I chased Lauri.

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