Chapter 5

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"So do you might want to tell me now what the hell happened?" Jaini asked with stern look on her face. Jake and I sat in the kitchen, for us a fuming Jaini. Apparently the video of me went so viral that the school principal saw it. He contacted Jaini and told her about it. So after I saw how really bad the wound was I went downstairs, Jaini called Jake directly with me and confronted us. When we didn't answer her question she spoke a little bit loudly "I swear Jake, if you are taking drugs again or if you are drinking again I am going to throw you out of the house!" "MUM, I would never ever take drugs again", Jake shouted at his mum. "And what about drinking?", Jaini sniffled. I took Jaini's Hand in mine "you don't have to worry, someone spiked their drink while they were partying and then they didn't know what they did, so they spiked me too and then I began to dance and this is how the video originated. A mean girl from school uploaded the video. And about my back yesterday, I slipped and hid my back and my head, so I blacked out and your dear son carried me in the house and took care of my wound, but as you see it didn't help", I lied directly in her face. Jaini breathed out "oh thank god, never do this to me again." We promised her to not keep something like this from her again and went upstairs. As I was about to step the stairs up, Jake held me by my wrist and said "Hey, wait", "what, do you want?", I mumbled. Jake scratched his neck and spoke embarrassed "I wanted to thank you for having my back earlier." I raised my eyebrows at him and said "Yeah, Yeah, but this was the first and last time I was having your back!", with that I went to the bathroom and changed in my pajamas.
The next morning I didn't went to school, because of my back. Jaini organized yesterday an doctor appointment. I woke up, made me ready for the day and went to the appointment. The doctor checked my wound and bandaged it. He gave me some cream and said I needed to rest for a while. Then I went home. The cold wind blew me in the faces. I froze from the cold contact. The snow melted over the night. I was really sad about it, because it reminded me of my childhood. On the cold winter days my father and I would build snowmen's and play in the snow. In the evening my mother, my father and I would watch my favorite movie and drink hot chocolate. A sad smile creeped on my face, as I thought about the memory. I was thorn from my thoughts as I bumped into someone. "Watch where you are going", hissed the voice at me. I looked up and found the face from a glaring Vanessa. "OH, look who we have here", she grinned evil at me, "the loser who just couldn't take my threat seriously." Suddenly she grabbed my hair so hard that I fell straight on my face. She began to kick my wound on my back really hard. I screamed at the contact of her shoe on my back. "I didn't do anything", I screamed at her in pain. She laughed bitterly and slapped my face hard. "Of course you did something, you are in my face and you are stealing my Jake", she screamed at me. "He doesn't even like me, how could I steal him away from you", I began to sob from the pain. "Yeah cry you little pathetic whore", she yelled at me. Then she dragged me on my hair over the ground from the streets. She threw me against garbage cans. "That's what you get for having Jakes back the other day, yeah you heard me right I heard what you did for him yesterday", she spat at me. Vanessa kicked me a last time hard in my ribs and stormed of.

I cried. I sat on the streets near the stinky garbage and cried my eyes out. I never felt so much pain on my howl body in my entire life. With shaky hands I pulled my jacket and hoody up. I touched my wound and screamed in pain. The bandage was drenched in blood. Shakily I pulled the bandage of and dropped it near the can. I felt as warm liquid rolled down from my face. I touched my face and felt a cut from her long nails on my left check. Blood came from my nose. That made me just more cry. With wobbly legs I tried to stand up. I grabbed a can to pull myself up. I whimpered as I stretched my back. My body burned from the pain and the dried tears on my face made my checks feel hot. The ground was full of blood stains, so that you would think someone was murdered there. The sky began slowly to darken and the air got more chillier then before. I limped the dark alleyway down to the streets. Every time I came to contact with the ground I had to held back a scream that threaten to bubble out of my throat. After what felt like an eternity, I arrived at the streets. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I searched my contacts to call someone for help. There was Jakes contact, Jaini's contact, Ronnies contact and Leos contact I could call. I chose Leo. The line went straight to voice mail. I panicked. No way I would call Jaini or Jacke. So I called Ronnie. As I heard his voice I broke down. "Ronnie, can you please come pick me up", I cried desperately in the phone. "Sophia, what happened, you sound terrible", he asked shocked. I sobbed "please it doesn't matter now, just pick me up." OK, where are you?", he asked worried. "Near the doctor", I managed to say trough my cries. After that he hung up. I felt scared. Scared that the monster would turn up any minute. I sat on a bench near the street and lay my had in my hands, to hide my face from the strangers. After a few minutes I felt someone's hand on my back. I flinched at the contact and was about to run as I heard the familiar voice. "Sofia, relax it's just me, Ronnie", he said with a soothing voice. I looked at him. But I saw not only him. Befor me stood Jake too. "What is he doing here?", I panicked. "He was with me in the car, as you called", Ronnie said confused at my sudden reaction. "He can't be here, she is going to find out and kill me", I shouted now angry at myself that I called. "What are you talking about and what even happened to you, you look like you messed with this bitch Vanessa", Jake joked. I flinched at the mention of her name. I panicked and tried to run from them, but Ronnie caught my wrist. "Stop, stop, you called me to pick you up and now you have to explain what happened!", Ronnie said with a serious look. I looked scared in their faces. I was so scared that she would find out and do something terrible to me. "NO, I cant", I sobbed, tears began to stream out of my eyes. The tears burned as they entered my wound on my left cheek. I was so helpless, I began to sink to the ground. I didn't know what to do. Jake took my chin his index finger, thumb and made me look up at him. "Tell me, nobody is going to find out", he whispered. I stared into his eyes and was lost for a moment. I was really vulnerable in this moment, it was like his eyes spelled me and I couldn't take it anymore, so I told them. I told them everything what Vanessa had done to me. They helped me to go into the car and I immediately fell asleep on the backseat.

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