chapter 19

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Trafalgar D. Water Law, the Surgeon of Death and Captain of the Heart Pirates, knew he was dreaming.

Knew, because her hair was silver again. Her energy calm and peaceful.

There was green. A great, green, mossy field. And wind. And a mighty river yawning between them.

No bottom existed in that impossibly silver river, that crack in their world. But he couldn't hear its whispering and gushing.

She stood with her back to him, hair blowing in a sheet of silver.

He tried to use his devil fruit, to teleport over the chasm, but the devil possessing him remained slumbering. Ignoring him. He could do nothing but stare toward her, breathe in her scent—oriental vanilla and liquid night—as if carried on the splashes of the river. This water had no song to sing, not like the sea.

It was a water of death, of cold, of nothing.


He had no voice here, but he spoke her name. Threw it across the gulf between them.

Slowly, she turned to him.

It was her face—or it would be in a few years. When all the sorrow and agony would be nothing but a chip of memory. When she'd be ... happy.

But it wasn't the slightly older features that knocked the breath from him.

It was the hand on her rounded belly.

She stared toward him, hair still flowing. Behind her, two small figures emerged.

Law fell to his knees.

A boy smiled at him, warm and bright, his gold-rimmed eyes near glowing beneath his cap of black hair. The girl on her other side, nearly her brother's height, had silver hair and stormy eyes, solemn-faced and as proud as her mother.


His children. Their children.

With another mere weeks from being born.

His family.

The family he might have, the future he might have. The most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.


Their children pressed closer to her, the younger girl peering up to Feyre in warning.

Law felt it then. A lethal, mighty black wind sweeping for them.

He tried to scream. Tried to get off his knees, to find some way to them.

But the black wind roared in, ripping and tearing everything in its path.

They were still staring at him as it swept them away, too.

Until only Feyre remained. Younger, eyes dull, face hollow and belly empty.


Law jerked awake, his heart a frantic beat as his body bellowed to move, to fight.

But there was nothing and no one to fight here, in this dusty cabin beneath the Bartoclub's deck.

Only Feyre who jerked from his arms and sat up, eyes squinted. "What happened?"

A dream. That same dream.

He rubbed at his face, sitting up on the couch. "Just a dream."

Judging by the silence outside, it had to be dawn as the others still weren't up, and since it wasn't too bright in the room, but bright enough that Feyre deemed it safe to actually shut the bathroom door this time.

Fate of Two; Entwined (Trafalgar Law X OC)Where stories live. Discover now