chapter 6

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Now what am I going to do about that heart?

Law didn't remember much about what happened after Vergo knocked him down. When he opened his eyes again, he was in a cage, with Straw Hat, Nico Robin, a robot, and the two marines. White Chase Smoker and the dark haired woman.

He was also stuck with another person he never thought he'd see alive. He recognized her from the video tapes he watched with Feyre once upon a time. It was Nefes, in flesh and blood.

Though she didn't wear her mask anymore, and she looked ... different. From what he saw in the videos, he could tell she changed a few things about her appearance. He could already see the resemblance she had to that Witch in her attitude. But Law could tell, this one was crazier.

Caesar Clown was one fucked up individual. His experiment has already started. He shut out the G-5 marines, and trapped him and his companions in a cage that hung above the entrance of the laboratory. The poisonous gas Caesar had launched into the island was going to reach them within a few minutes. And not to mention he was broadcasting the experiment to the whole Underworld syndicate.

Fortunately for Law, he had switched out a few Sea Prism handcuffs for regular handcuffs during his time on Punk Hazard, so if he were to ever be caught, there'd still be a chance of escape. after the robot of the Straw Hats  set the marine ship down below on fire, successfully creating a smoke screen, he undid the Straw hats' cuffs then turned to the two marines.

If they were to get back to navy headquarters, Vergo would lose his footing, and that would work out in his favor. But also, Vergo still had his heart. And Caesar still didn't know whose heart it was that Law gave him earlier, claiming it was White Chase's, which meant Caesar would crush that heart if White Chase dueled with him, and that would upset Law's plan.

So until Law got his own heart back, no hearts should be crushed.

That was the deal he made with White Chase. In exchange for his freedom, he must keep his mouth shut about everything he heard and obey Law's every command until they get off the island.

Using his teleportation Room, he got himself and his companions inside the facility, and opened the shutters for the Marine's subordinates, G-5.

Law had no love for mass massacres. So he gave the G-5 unit directions to get out of the facility without passing through the air around the laboratory which was currently affected by the poisonous gas.

He gave them two hours.

Then headed in the direction of the S.A.D tankers in block-D.

Considering what was behind the huge door in D-block, it was the most guarded in the whole laboratory. And the only one Caesar Clown forbade him from entering. But he did anyway.

He unsheathed his sword, and started taking the guards down.

Unfortunately for him, one of them was able to escape in time to send out an alert to the whole freaking laboratory.

But he was already in, and he wouldn't fail.

For Trafalgar Law, there was no turning back now.

The S.A.D manufacturing room was a place of silent chaos, an arena of bubbling liquids, the air  thick with the scent of chemicals and smoke, mingled with the metallic tang of steel and iron. The only sound that penetrated the silence, however, was the humming machinery working in perfect harmony to produce the deadly substance that was the key to wrecking havoc in the New World.

The room itself was a labyrinth of pipes and wires, a tangled web of crisscrossing metal and glass that glinted in the flickering light. The walls were lined with vials and ampoules, each one containing strange substances that shimmered and swirled with an otherworldly glow. The floors were slick with spilled liquids and grime, the ceiling cluttered with wires and tubes that dangled like snakes awaiting their prey.

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