chapter 14

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The word rang hollow in her ears.

Birdcage. The same technique Doflamingo used thirteen years ago.


The one that gave her father no choice but to surrender. To save Law.

Feyre had a distant feel of something warm drizzling down her temple. She had to get the key to Law's shackles. She had to give him this chance to escape.

Because she was carrion.

All her plans and ploys were doomed to depthless pits of hell. With the bargain a flowing bond between her and her mortal enemy, invisible chains bound her. She could not save herself, nor spare her child.

But she could spare the Captain of the Heart pirates. One last gift to her friends. To Ikkaku, Penguin, Sachi, Bepo and to Ben who fell bedridden the day she departed.

The moment she dropped the sword, she knew it was not Doflamingo she had killed. Not with the bargain tattoo still stark against her wrist. Whether that was a shape-shifer, a Fruit-user or another trick of Doflamingo's, she didn't care. She had to find the key.

Her eyes scanned the area, the tattered carpets, the Family's minions, the deformed and rippling stone beneath her. The slightest motion would alert Pica who would trap her between the blocks.

The key.

Her eyes darted. Left. right. Up. Left.

She would find the key, if only for her friends to remember her. If only to be remembered for the good she had done, rather than the pain she had caused.

She could also spare the Surgeon of Death that pain ... He could not know about what she carried. If only because she knew she would not get to hold her. Feyre would not add to Law's sorrow. For if he ever knew, he'd shoulder the guilt of it to the day he faded into the Afterlife.

That burden—that guilt, the blood of that precious life tainted only her hands. It was her fault. Everything was.

And now she would pay.

All of Dressrosa would pay because of her grave error.


The word echoed through her mind like a death knell, a reminder of the grim future that awaited.

Feyre did not hear what Doflamingo's clone was saying. Did not notice as the toy soldier—Kyros, his name was Kyros and he was not a toy anymore— charged once again at Doflamingo.

She did not care. She still searched for the key.

Mass genocide. A collective grave. An open air prison. That's what Dressrosa would become.



He didn't give a damn about Doflamingo's tactics. It didn't matter how the bastard materialized before him, intent on severing the head of the one-legged man who once again charged at him with all his might. His focus was solely on the trembling woman before him, crawling on all fours, frantically searching for the key to his chains.

The castle stones began shuddering.

If only he had listened to that whispering voice that nudged and pushed and drove him out of his mind.

Feyre screamed and ducked her head. The shaking in the castle was not from Pica manipulating the stone.

And then it happened. A ripple of power split the air in two, sending the castle's upper level to the ground with a deafening boom. Law waited for the spray of blood, the sickening thud of a head colliding against the stone, but then he saw Straw Hat, deftly pushing the one-legged man out of harm's way and saving his life.

Fate of Two; Entwined (Trafalgar Law X OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat