chapter 9

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Dawn was upon them, and Law was still up. The Straw hats who were keeping watch had stretched on the grass of the Thousand Sunny long ago and drifted to sleep.

Do whatever you wish to her.

He walked to the helm and sat on the spacious bench against the steering wheel.

At nights like this one, his loneliness crushes him as if the sky itself has swooped down to smother him into its cold arms.

Your Witch.

Law felt a presence behind him. "I've been meaning to talk to you." the person he had been dreading appeared from the corner of his eye. "Couldn't find a good time with all the hustle and bustle of those guys, save for now." Nefes pointed behind her to the deck, to the men sprawled on it snoring away.

As she walked to face him, Law studied the fine night-dark clothes and the heavy hood the young woman wore and the assortment of weapons that gleamed along her body.

"I must thank you, for what you did for the children back at Punk Hazard." Her voice was low and cool —cultured.

It was the first thing Law had noticed all those months back about Feyre, too. Did both of them have a common upbringing? Perhaps the same education.

The first exchange he had with Feyre back at the hospital played in his mind.

"It could've been worse than methamphetamines," she said with a casual flick of her gloved fingers.

Cultured and possibly extremely well-educated, then, if she knew the drug by name—and she pronounced it perfectly.

She sat next to him on the bench and crossed her legs. She was too close—too close for his own comfort. But his curiosity won and didn't allow him to leave. He knew why she wanted to talk to him away from the ears of her Nakama, he could feel the unease twisting in her gut.

Law found himself watching the young woman out of the corner of his eyes. Watching, if only because she sat next to him with such stillness that it was impossible not to look. Not to wonder.

"What exactly happened between you and Feyre?" she asked.

"I had hoped I'd find an answer to that from you."

"What do you mean?"

He grits his teeth. He hated anyone who tried acting dumb. "Doflamingo sent her to my ship. She's been a spy."

"And how exactly did Feyre meet Doflamingo?" she tilted her head.

"She said she left Grey Haven through the help of a family friend. Someone who faked her death reports and took down her wanted poster. Who else could have enough power to pull those strings?"

Nefes laughed like he just told her a ridiculous joke.

She cleared her throat when Law didn't move a muscle and continued glaring. "How about a Fleet Admiral?"

"Akainu-ya?" He narrowed his brows.

"No. the ex-Fleet Admiral. Let's just say her connection with him runs deeper than you could imagine." She said cautiously, wary of how much her friend had told him.

"But don't worry about it. You're better off not getting involved in Feyre's world if you value your sanity." he understood. If Feyre hid that piece of information from you, it was for a good reason.

"Her godfather was a navy soldier." He didn't feel inclined to tell her that Feyre's godfather turned out to be her real father because he didn't know if that was fabricated, he didn't know if she even had a godfather. He didn't know if the people whose house he stayed at for almost a month were really who they claimed they were. Didn't know and didn't care.

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