chapter 3

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How she slept at all after a night of bloodshed was beyond her. But when she opened her eyes near dawn, she sensed people, low whispers and chatters right behind her bathroom door accompanied with the sound of running water.

Feyre knew who it was. Or rather what.

So she moved the covers a little more noisily and shifted in her bed a little more abruptly to make it creak louder all the while her eyes stayed shut, perfecting her sleeping act.

She heard nothing, but felt the energies of the creatures slowly diminishing as they walked away. That was not a human sort of energy, she knew that much.

Then she got to her feet and ran to the bathroom, slowly pushing the door open.

The water was running in the bath, the calming scent of lavender mixed with an undertone of jasmine immediately floated to her nose.

Hundreds of lavender buds and a few jasmine petals floated in the water inside the bathtub.

Feyre only smiled. Then proceeded to get out of her sleeping clothes and into the tub.

Whoever drew her this bath was clearly an expert in herbs—and Feyre was sure as hell she didn't sleepwalk that night or imagine the energies between her dreams.

Lavender Buds to calm the mind and relieve stress, Jasmine Petals to soothe anxiety and uplift her mood.

After the relaxing bath, Feyre got dressed and headed to her vanity to comb and braid her hair. She didn't want to stop wearing her bandanas, but her title as Emissary required her to dress according to the standards of the world.

And so, Feyre sat at her vanity most morning braiding her hair into a coronet atop her head with the help of a servant, or a simple updo that would keep the hair out of her face till night fell and she held the title of Assassin rather than Emissary.

But on this particular day, Feyre found a tiny satchel of mixed herbs next to her brush, lavender the most poignant scent amongst them.


She looked at her open balcony door, and mouthed a thank you.

She'd let whoever did all of this plant a whole garden of lavender in her lungs, and maybe then, just maybe she'd learn how to breathe better.

I have to visit the gynecologist. See how everything is going, but that damned woman might figure it out.

And not that she can trust anyone in this new city. Maybe she'd find an excuse to sail to a nearby island and glamorize her features so no one would recognize her and book an appointment.

Yes. That sounds like a plan.

Feyre wasted no time before she headed to the castle's library.

She needed to do something.

She needed to figure it out, trace back the legend of the fairies through the history of Dressrosa and see what turns up. Because Feyre was far from convinced that she had gone nuts or she was hallucinating. All the incidents were far too real to be made up by her head.

She entered a long hallway, empty and silent save for the sound of her footsteps, then walked through a set of twenty-foot oak doors.

Compared to the sunlit hallways, the interior that stretched beyond her seemed formidably dark, but as she stepped inside, candelabras came into view, along with the black-and-white marble floors that stretched across the entire castle, large mahogany tables with red velvet chairs, a slumbering fire, mezzanines, bridges, ladders, railings, and then books—books and books and books.

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