chapter 17

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Feyre collected as much bandages and supplies as her bag could carry, and sprinted to where Luffy was knocked out in Kyros's house. She hoped she wouldn't encounter any marine who'd pester her. It was almost night, luckily, she had the right sense to listen to Viola and actually shower and ... use menstrual products.

But she refused any pain killers, to which Viola forced Princess Mansherry to use her powers to suppress the bleeding. Even a little.

She was still bleeding, yes. But not as badly. By the looks of it, she deduced the bleeding would stop within a few days.

She tried to convince herself it was a good thing, since she was setting sail in a few days time, and menstrual products did not go well with the turbulent sea—although she still had no idea where she was going ...

But there were other things that troubled her more, starting with that long gash on her thigh that she did not know how she'd hide nor how she'd conceal the deep limp that had become a constant companion after a few minutes of walking or running.

Feyre ascended the flowery hill. And within her simmered that writhing darkness.

Not thinking about it and not getting close to iron, she'd learned those past few hours—helped. Not entirely, but it kept the power from boiling over. Even if she could still feel it streaming through her blood, coiled tight around her bones.

She knew it would only be a matter of time before that pounding headache came back.

And she also learned ... that being next to the bane of her existence cooled it down.

Currently, the bane of her existence was leaning against Kyros's house, watching the clouds pass by.

Law straightened when he sensed her approach. She tossed him a bottle of painkillers, "I'll tend to Luffy's wounds first." and entered the house.

Law said nothing, just opened the bottle and swallowed two pills.

If that proud man swallowed medicine that easily without a fuss ... then he had to be in so much pain that he had to put his pride aside.

I know.

The words lingered in her mind, but Law's face betrayed no sign of what he knew.

Feyre stepped in and began her Doctor duties.


Law was still standing where she left him when she emerged. She hoped those wounds on Robin's back wouldn't scar ... and she pointedly ignored Nefes.

She could not stand to look at her face. And her eyes. Wherever she went for the past two years, Feyre was absolute Nefes did not emerge all the same.

Feyre wanted to know, she wanted to ask her so badly and fight with her about the pain Nefes has caused.

But what happened on this island, made Feyre, too, not all the same.

She did not care anymore. She didn't care about her friend's reasons nor did she give her a moment to explain herself. She would not listen. At least, not until her heart was lighter.

Law gave her a lazy grin. That halfway smile halfway threat sort of grin.

"So it's finally my turn?"

Feyre said nothing as she changed her gloves and started damping some cotton with antiseptic.


There was no more anger in her eyes now. But a calm heroic grief. Law did not know what was going on in her head when she tossed him that knife. But that look of relief on her face when she realized he picked it up, scared him more than anything.

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