Chapter 1

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Denny's POV

"Fancy a swim?" Hannah asked me as we exited the Diner, looking out at the beach.

"You're on," I replied enthusiastically, racing down in my floral bikini.

But before I could reach the beach I stopped suddenly, like a deer in headlights, at the sight of a tanned man with light brown hair on a faded surfboard. He must have seen me staring at him because suddenly he started calling my name.

"Denny! DENNY!"

I turned my back and ran as fast as I could up the beach, with Hannah trailing slowly behind me.
"It's a small town. You can't keep running forever."

"But it's so hard. Every time I see him all those memories keep flooding back. I'm still in love with him."

"Then why did you break up with Casey in the first place?" Hannah asked.

"Because I'm sick of being lied to! I'm sick of being left out of everything just because he wants to 'protect me'!" I yelled back at her, curling my fingers in the air to emphasise my selection of words.

"But don't you think that it's better for him to not tell you certain things than to drag you down into his mess? Have you seen how happy you make him? Maybe for once he just wants some happiness in his life!"

"I want to be his girlfriend! NOT his escape. "

I sighed deeply. This whole argument with Hannah was pointless.

"I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with you."

Casey's POV

"Do you know where Denny is?!" I yelled as I ran up to Hannah.

"She just left."

"I really screwed up this time didn't I?"

Hannah nodded her head.

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"Go after her!"

I made my way to the farmhouse where Denny stayed with Hannah and her two siblings, Evie and Oscar.

I was anxious to face Denny and have a proper conversation with her. We hadn't spoken in two months. I'd seen her around the Bay but I had never had the guts to go and strike up a conversation with her. Besides, she didn't want to talk to me.

"I'LL GET IT!" I heard Evie yell after I had rung the doorbell.

"Is Denny home? I really need to talk to her."

She looked behind her for a split second, almost as if she was looking to find Denny for the green light.

"Um, no she's out at the moment."

I hadn't known Evie for that long, but one thing I did know was that she was a terrible liar.

"Can you give this to her please?" I asked, handing Evie a package.

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell her you stopped by."

Yeah, sure you will.

Denny's POV

"You're a life saver. Thank you," I said to Evie after she had given me the all clear that Casey had left.

"You really need to start talking to him again Den, you can't hide forever."

She was right. I did need to start talking to him again, I just didn't want to. Not now. And probably not ever.

"Now are you going to open it?" Evie asked,
gesturing to the brown paper package lying on the dining table.

"Better now than never," I replied, undoing the turquoise bow...

. . . . . .

First published: 29 June 2015

Edited: 29 February 2016

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