Chapter 21(2)

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 Writer is 21, Content Rated 23+ (Sorry guys!)

"What about reducing the fever by working out? If we work out, we'll sweat, and it might help," he suggested, his hand holding her jaw as he raised his eyebrows, waiting for her response. Sam felt a rush of excitement listening to his proposal and understood the implicit suggestion in his words.

"What about my idea?" He said, holding her jaw tightly and forcing her to meet his burning, desired-filled eyes. Sam couldn't help but gaze at his lips, feeling the urge to kiss him, and her heightened arousal made her more susceptible to his advances. Adhi also noticed her fixation on his lips, and a smirk played across his mind.

"Do you want to do something?" Adhi guided her hand to his waist with one hand, while the other rested on her cheek, pressing her gently against the wall. His breath caressed her face as he murmured her name softly.

"Sam," he whispered against her cheek, feeling her hand cupping his face in response, her touch gentle and soothing.

"What?" Sam asked, raising her eyebrows, her gaze alternating between his lips and his eyes.

"Are you angry with me?" Adhi inquired, his hand cupping her cheek in a gesture mirroring her own.

"Hmm?" Sam's confusion was palpable as she grappled with comprehending his question, her mind unable to grasp its intent. Blinking in bewilderment, she conveyed her perplexity. Adhi interpreted her response from her understandable expression, so he let go of the question and immersed himself in the moment with her.

"Nothing," he said, pulling her closer, their lips mere inches apart, their gazes locked. Uncertainty lingered in the air as they pondered what might unfold if they proceeded.

"Can I kiss you, Sam?" Adhi asked, his lips grazing hers as he spoke, their eyes deeply intertwined.

"What will you do if I say no?" Sam queried, already knowing his answer before he could respond.

"If you say no, I'll never kiss you, Sam," Adhi replied, his head slightly retracting. But before he could fully withdraw, Sam swiftly expressed her consent.

"Please, Adhi, I want this," Sam implored, her eyes beseeching him to kiss her as if she might lose her breath if he didn't.

"That's it," he murmured, pressing his lips against hers, the warmth of their connection enveloping them. They didn't move, simply allowing their lips to meet, feeling the bond resonate through their hearts.

"Sam," Adhi pulled back slightly, his breath mingling with hers as he groaned against her neck. Sam felt his hardness against her abdomen, causing her heart to race and her body to tremble.

"I want you, Sam... Promise me that if we do this, you won't regret it," Adhi pleaded, his concern evident in his words. Sam smiled at his sincerity. Despite his lack of control in the moment, he still prioritized her feelings and worried about any potential regrets she might have. He cared deeply for her and was willing to sacrifice anything for her.

"I'm not sure about this, Adhi... but right now, I want this... I want to reduce my fever by working out," Sam expressed uncertainly, but her desire was evident in her voice. Adhi smiled at her words, appreciating her determination and resilience.

"Then come," Adhi pulls Sam into a passionate kiss, their bodies pressing against each other. Sam surrenders to his touch, enjoying the sensation of his lips on hers.

"You know, Adhi, I've missed this," Sam murmured against his lips. Adhi pulled back slightly, enveloping her in a tight hug as he nuzzled her neck, taking in a deep breath.

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