Chapter 19

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After their initial phone call, their conversations dwindled to brief exchanges of no more than two lines. Each time he reached out, hoping for more, she responded tersely before promptly ending the call, typically asking about his activities and meals. Once a week, yearning to catch a glimpse of Avi, he resorted to video calls with her family members. However, his longing for her only grew as each attempt to see her face proved futile. Similarly, though she deeply missed him, her stubbornness prevailed, preventing her from revealing herself to him. Their unspoken desires and unresolved emotions lingered, deepening the ache of their separation. 

In the midnight stillness, he found the photo illuminated on his laptop screen. It stirred a multitude of questions within him, prompting him to reach for his phone and dial a familiar number. Only one person held the key to unlocking the answers swirling in his mind — Sam. As she picked up the call, the silence between them seemed to echo with unspoken truths.

"Sam," he uttered softly, his voice tinged with anticipation as he awaited her response, while she deliberated for what seemed like an eternity before offering her reply. He was just pissed of by her silence. 

"Don't test my patience, Sam. If you're not ready to speak, then fuck off and cut the call," his roar echoed in her ears. It was common for her to hear his curse words, but this time they stung a little more than usual.

"What you want now? Why are you calling at this time?" Sam asked calmly and her periods were over now and she turned herself like before.

"Did you hide something from me?" Adhi's question delivered the first blow to her heart.

"I'm asking you, did you hide something from me?" Adhi's inquiry pierced her with its intensity. He sought clarity, but his question also ignited a storm of thoughts within her. Whenever his gaze fell upon the picture, he couldn't help but wonder. Sam was about to speak when she heard continuous knocking at the door.

"Wait," she said to Adhi, making her way towards the door to open it. As she opened the door, a person pulled her into a tight embrace, leaving Sam shocked after such a long time.

"I missed you so much, Sam," the person said, enveloping her in a tight embrace. Sam reciprocated the hug warmly, feeling a rush of emotions at their reunion.

"I missed you too" Sam said pulled back from his hug and Sam noted she didn't cut the call yet.

"Okay, now go. We'll talk in the morning," Sam said, beginning to close the door. However, Aakash placed his hand on the door to prevent her from shutting it.

"I never expected you would welcome me like this di," Aakash said, glaring at her. However, Sam motioned at him to indicate that she was on the phone with Adhi. Understanding her situation, Aakash closed the door behind him and walked away.

"Who's there?" Adhi asked, his heart pounding with anger upon hearing a male voice on the other end. Despite his emotions, he managed to keep himself from bursting out.

"My friend," Sam said simply, her voice carrying his deep breaths on the other end of the call. Adhi always tried to change himself for her, but Sam's attitude would shift in an instant at times like this.

"A friend? At this hour?" Adhi's question was forgotten as he pondered this revelation.

"Adhi, he's my friend and neighbor. You even saw him at your marriage reception, remember? We were the ones dancing in front of everyone. Have you forgotten?" Sam's words dripped with sarcasm, stoking her anger as Adhi doubted her.

"But he's your friend, Sam. It's not appropriate to visit a girl's room at midnight," Adhi said, attempting to maintain composure despite his concern. However, Sam was irritated by his remark.

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