Chapter 21(1)

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20+(Mature talk at last)

It wasn't the first time they fought and pretended as if nothing had happened, but this time, their conflict evolved into regret-remorse for their actions that night, a regret for betraying their loved ones, and a realization that they neglected their well-being before attending to others.

Now, she began to blame herself and sought solitude, avoiding her family and even his calls. Perhaps his words had been spoken in the heat of the moment, but despite his attempts to reach her afterwards, she completely shut everyone out. She had never experienced such emotions before, but when he uttered those words, she realized the power his words held over her, capable of either giving life or causing destruction. While he was aware that his words hurt her, they also made her regret their actions from that night. It wasn't a grave sin; both of them shared mutual feelings during that moment. If either of them had resisted or forced themselves, it would have been wrong. However, mutual feelings are natural among humans. Perhaps their relationship as sister-in-law and brother-in-law created an uncomfortable dynamic between them.

That night, he was running a fever and his body burned with heat, yet her radiant face compelled him to act upon his desires. With just one touch, a warmth enveloped them both, and in that moment, she lost control of herself. Her mind no longer saw him as her brother-in-law or her sister's fiancé; he was simply Adhi, a young man showing affection. Likewise, he saw her as Sam, a girl reciprocating those feelings and caresses.

The affection they shared in that moment etched itself into their memories for a lifetime. Perhaps it was just the heat of the moment, but they engaged in much that night. They didn't sleep; instead, they immersed themselves in each other until morning broke. Despite Sam's young age, he never pressured her into anything. He treated her delicately, like a rose, and she accepted him for who he was, understanding his emotions and physical responses.

It was their seventh time that night, a surprising first encounter for two virgins. They experienced much together, their moans and groans reverberating in the silence. His touch had a profound effect on her, while her seductive moans stirred something within him. They were both unaware of the transformative power their actions held, shaping their connection in ways they couldn't anticipate.

What they did that night now only brings them pain. Adhi wasn't as affected as Sam; he was relieved to discover her feelings for him, but her words hurt him deeply. They constantly blamed him and made him regret involving her in their mistake. If he hadn't brought her into the room, everything would have been different; he could have been with her sister, living a content life. But when he made that decision, he was convinced she was the one he wanted to spend his life with. However, reality didn't align with his desires. Their experience serves as a stark reminder that what we desire doesn't always come to fruition, often unfolding in unexpected ways.

Now, he found himself visiting her unexpectedly, driven by the fear of what might be happening to her as she avoided his calls and he heard her crying. His mind raced with questions: Was she harming herself? Had she left him like she did before? Would she never return to London? These thoughts consumed him, exacerbated by the spread of a damaging rumor involving a picture of him with Jeni, insinuating that they were to marry. The false narrative took hold on social media, portraying him as unfaithful, and the image of him kissing Jeni only fueled his anxiety about what Sam might think. As he faced the rumors head-on, his mind was consumed by the chaos it wrought.

"Don't worry, da," Vishnu tapped his shoulders and gave an assured smile, trying to comfort him. Adhi attempted to smile in return, but his mind wasn't in the right state for it. With just a few minutes left to reach Sam's home, Adhi's forehead was covered in sweat, and countless questions raced through his mind.

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