Chapter 14

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"Why the heck hasn't she signed it yet, da?" Adhi flung the consensus paper onto the table and loosened his tie to control his temper. It was a vital contract he needed her to sign.

"How do I know?" Vishnu raised both his hands in the air, as if unaware of this.

 "But your expression shows otherwise," Adi was not dumb enough to believe his words and his facial expressions. 

"Leave it, da. We'll find a promising designer" Vishnu tried to divert the problem they had.

"VISHNU" Adhi pressed his name to figure out the trouble.

"Vishnu, she has the power to deliver our idea with her background and don't forget about her father's credentials. If we miss the chance to align with her, then JK Enterprises will lure her to their company!" Vishnu thought for a second and opened his mouth to explain the reason behind her hesitation with their agreement.

"I can understand your situation, Adhi, but she's not our type," Vishnu said, stood up in his place, and moved toward the window to take in some fresh air.

"What do you mean?" Adhi asked, standing beside him, his gaze fixed on the opposite floor.

"She said if you're ready to go on a date with her, then she would accept the contract with us!" Adhi was bewildered at this statement. Did he hear it mistakenly?

 "WHAT?" Adhi hadn't presumed this. Did she know he was a married man and had a son? The thought crossed his mind.

"And, in my point of view, her connotation is wrong. Just think for yourself, Adhi. Her father has the power to grant her what she wants, but still, she chooses to be our designer."

"That's why I chose her as our designer, Vishnu," Adhi said. "Which means?" A smirk appeared on Vishnu's face. Adhi crossed his arms and stood firm.

"Go and tell her that I have accepted her demand," Adhi tapped Vishnu's shoulder, winking and grinning at him. "Are you ready to go on a date with her?" Vishnu asked in disbelief.

"What should I do then?" Adhi thought this date was only for business, nothing more, but he didn't know that his small mistake would turn his life into hell. If he ever had a thought about her devilish mind? No! He believed that it was not as big a deal as he thought.

"Adhi, she's not like your childhood sweetheart to make excuses or fool around. She's pure evil, inside and out!"

"We'll see," Adhi straightened his tie and grabbed his coat, walking out of the room. He wanted to reach home as today was an important meeting fixed by her. Meeting? In his eyes, it's just a meeting for him, but to her, it's her date.

 As Adhi left the meeting room, his mind buzzed with the unexpected turn of events. The decision to agree to the date hung heavy in the air, and he found solace in the familiar surroundings of his home. As soon as he reached home he went directly to the kitchen and sighed while watching his mom making something for him. This woman, he thought, shaking his head.

"Mom, what's going on here? How many times have I told you not to stress yourself just to make me food?" His mom chuckled shaking her head.

"Okay! If I think about myself, then how could you turn into a Hulk, man?" He groaned sitting on the chair facing her as she placed a tray full of his favorite lunch on the table. 

"Maa, stop calling me by that name," he pleaded. His mom shrugged off, indicating that his words didn't affect her.

"But you are," his mom said, ruffling his hair adoringly. It was Adhi's last day staying with them. Today, they booked the flight to India at 6 pm, and Adhi is going to miss them terribly. Adhi's mom patted his head. This time Adhi did nothing except stare at his mom with loving eyes. The woman still treats him like a baby. Preparing everything for him. Even sometimes spending days with him so he wouldn't feel lonely.

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