Anxious Apologies

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I don't think time has ever passed so slowly in my life

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I don't think time has ever passed so slowly in my life. I had just given Ma her birthday present and of course she cried and told me I'm the best daughter she could ever have, just like she has every year. But I think this time she actually meant it. I played a few songs for her and she sang right along with me. Thankfully I nailed all the songs and didn't embarrass myself in front of practically the entire town. See when you live in a small town like Stardew, everyone knows everyone. So when I say practically the entire town is here, I mean the entire town is here. I weaved my way through the people and found Jesse.

"I don't know how much longer I can wait Jess... I'm 'bout ready to run out the door."

"Alright, alright, I don't think we're needed here anymore anyway but let me tell ma just in case." He then disappeared into the crowd as I finished the rest of my sweet tea. I threw away my cup and smoothed out my yellow sundress. This is probably the only time anyone will ever see me in a dress. I much prefer my jeans and t-shirts. But I promised ma I would dress nice for her party. I had dressier boots on along with my dress and did a braid to the side for my hair. I felt nice but that anxious feeling I had was bigger than any other feeling I was currently feeling. Jesse appeared back at my side.

"Ma said she loves you and that it was about time you go after that boy." I smiled, yeah that sounded like Ma.

"Okay lets get going. I can't wait any longer." He chuckled and we left the house. We got in my truck and I drove out of the driveway and down the street towards Rivendell city. Towards Oliver.


I didn't sleep at all the night before and I'm feeling the effects of it this morning

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I didn't sleep at all the night before and I'm feeling the effects of it this morning. I trudged into my kitchen and poured myself a cup of scalding hot coffee. I stood there and took a drink. Thankfully it worked like I hoped it would, I was more awake now. I didn't want to go to work today for a handful of reasons today. My father would be there today and it was going to take every fiber in my being to not smash his face into his desk. I was too tired to focus let alone have the brain power to do my job correctly. And the only thing that has been on my mind was Genevieve. I missed her so much it physically hurt. My chest was tight all the time and sometimes it was hard to breathe normally. My mom exited my room with her robe on, I told her I didn't want her going home so she slept in my bed while I took the couch. I wasn't going to let her go home any time soon.

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