Broken and Not Mended

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The dim white lights of my clock blinked at me and read three in the morning

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The dim white lights of my clock blinked at me and read three in the morning. After Oliver left it was really hard to focus. My mind wouldn't stop running with all these questions. Is he okay? Is his ma okay? Did he get there safely? What about his pa? Should I drive out there to him? Is he going to come back? My body was exhausted and when I tried to fall asleep that's when my brain started up with all the questions and worry again. I think I finally fell asleep around two hours later. But that sweet relief was cut short because I was up with the sun. I got out of bed and trudged into the kitchen and began to make the biggest cup of coffee I could. As I waited for my coffee I went and got changed so I looked somewhat presentable and alive. I didn't want to scare anyone. I pulled my phone out and no reply from Oliver. I must've called at least thirty times and sent a hundred messages.

"Where are you Ollie..?" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my coffee and keys, I left the apartment and brought my truck back to life. I pulled out of the lot and drove to the farm. About fifteen minutes later when I pulled into the driveway I saw Oliver's car parked next to pa's truck. My heart stuttered when I saw his car sitting there. I parked and quickly made my way into the house.

"Hello?" I called out as I made my way into the kitchen. No one was there so I ran into the living room feeling panic spread through my gut.

"Ma?" I called out again.

"Genevieve." She came around the corner and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

"Where is everybody?"

"Pa and the boys are out doin' chores and Jesse is still in bed."

"Where is Oliver?" my question came out a little more panicked than I would've liked.


"Ma. Please tell me where he is, he didn't come home last night and I was up waiting for him all night. And I come over this morning and his car is here, none of this is making sense. I need to talk to him."

She let out a sigh as she gave me a sad but loving look. "Oliver came here with his ma around one in the morning, he was a mess. And his ma... she is badly injured. Oliver didn't explain he just asked if they could stay the night here. He figured you were home asleep and he didn't want to bother you."

"Where is he now..?"

"In the guest room with his ma." I let go of her hands and ran upstairs and down the hall to the guest room. My heart and mind were running a thousand miles per minute. I slowly opened the door and saw Florence asleep in the bed. She had bruises and cuts all over her arms and a few more bruises on her face. I felt my heart speed up even more. I looked over and Oliver was in the chair asleep. He looked so tired and I didn't want to wake him. But I needed to talk to him. I went over and put my hand on his shoulder. The man practically jumped out of his skin.

"Woah, hey it's just me. It's just me relax." I whispered. He looked at me with wild and slightly foggy green eyes.


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