The Diner Incident

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⚠️ TW: slight abuse, mention of bruising, mention of blood⚠️

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⚠️ TW: slight abuse, mention of bruising, mention of blood⚠️

I swear two days could not go by fast enough. I was buzzing with excitement for Oliver and I's trip to Rivendell City. The day after our little lunch date I went to the farm and helped with the chores, I took Pebbles on a good long ride, and then it was back home to practice my guitar. Ma's birthday was closing in fast and I needed those tickets and to nail down this song. When I got home I checked my mailbox and there was a big orange envelope and a single daisy flower. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks as I took the items out. I went inside and put the daisy in a vase before I ripped open the envelope. There was a check for the amount I still needed for the tickets but there was also a letter. A carefully opened the letter like something would jump out and attack me. It was a letter Oliver handwritten, even his handwriting was hot. Wait... I did not just think that. Pull yourself together Gen, Oliver is not hot. Sure his forest green eyes make me lose my train of thought every now and then and yeah maybe his smile makes my heart stutter slightly, but that does not mean he's hot. I closed my eyes and let out a breath before I opened them and read the letter.

Dear Genevieve,

I'm looking froward to our trip. Here is the money I promised you for your mother's birthday gift. If you need more let me know and I will get it to you. I hope you like the daisy, when I saw it I thought of you. I would have gotten you a whole bouquet but I didn't want them to be dead when we came back from Rivendell. I'm glad you agreed to come with me, I'm also glad you gave me a second chance to know me better. I know I understood a few more things about you when we talked. Anyways I'll pick you up tomorrow around breakfast time for our trip. I'll see you bright and early.



I felt the heat from my cheeks spread to the tips of my ears. I sure hope I don't turn this red on our trip, that would be embarrassing. I took the letter and pinned it on my board that also held pictures of my family, letters from long distant friends, and now of Oliver. I blew out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I went to my computer and ordered the tickets and then I spent about an hour and a half of going through the songs on my guitar. After that I began to pack, but halfway through I realized I was going to be late to work. I quickly got changed and slipped my boots on, I grabbed my leather jacket, rand downstairs and jumped in my truck. I drove to work and got there just in time for my shift. It was a smooth shift and I was cashin' in the tips, but just about an hour before I was to clock out a man I've never seen before walked in. He wore a suit like Oliver did when he first arrived in town.

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