Kiss and Make Up

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Genevieve was standing in my living room next to my mother

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Genevieve was standing in my living room next to my mother. The two women I love the most in this world. I couldn't breathe as I stood there frozen and eyes locked with those outstanding blue bells. No one said anything for a long time and my heart beat increased. What was she doing here?

"Ollie... I am so sorry. I'm sorry about everythin'. Our fight, the break up, avoidin' you, not speakin' to you, not bein' there when you needed me most, and not goin' after you when I should've. I'm sorry it took me so long to come to my senses. I came here to apologize and work things out because the truth is that I am so in love with you that it physically hurts when you're not there. I understand if you can't forgive me right now, or if you don't want a relationship with me anymore, I just needed you to know how sorry I am." A few stray tears slipped down her freckled cheeks. I was taken aback by her apology, I looked at her and let her words seep into me. That tightness in my chest was slowly loosening, my heat stopped aching and I could feel the air reach my lungs. Gen was the only one I truly wanted in this world, I loved her more than words can express. That's why when she turned and walked over to her brother I found myself striding over to her and grabbing her hand. I turned her around and we locked eyes just for a moment before my lips crashed onto hers. Her body was stiff against mine for a moment and then it clicked for her and she relaxed in my arms and kissed me back. Everything else around us faded away into darkness. Genevieve was my light in that darkness, and being away from her has made me realize that. I held her against my chest in a protective hold, I was never letting her go again.

When we finally pulled apart from each other I realized Jesse and my mother had disappeared. I felt at ease having her back in my arms once again, a warmth spread inside me having her this close. I let her go and held her face so gently in my hands as I wiped those stray tears away.

"I will always want you Genevieve. And being away from you has proven that more than anything. I love you sunshine, I'll probably never stop." She looked up at me as she leaned into my touch.

"I love you too." I smiled and kissed her again softly, her arms found their place around my neck. I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her flush against my chest. A small whimper came from her and I deepened the kiss. She pulled back and hugged me, burying her face in my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head. My mother appeared in the doorway.

"I told you it would work out." She smiled softly.

"Yeah you did." I smiled in return, Gen looked up at me and I kissed her forehead which caused her to smile. "Does that mean I have the honor of being yours again?"

"Yeah it does." She played with the hair at the back of my neck and shivers went down my spine. Man this woman does crazy things to me.

"Good, because if it was someone else I might have just given them a bloody nose." She blushed and I chuckled.

"Are you two hungry? We were just about to eat dinner." My mother spoke as she walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you Mrs. Nelson but we ate on the way here." Jesse replied. "Gen I'm going to go check in to the hotel, Oliver can bring you by unless you're staying here for the night."

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