Chapter V

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We waited for a few days to pass and the newspaper finally published the story of the rescue. “Paper's good.” I yelled to my friends as I bought a newspaper. I walked over to the bench and opened the paper and gave it to Ashley. She began reading

“A few days ago, five year old Annie Grace fell into the local swimming hole and she couldn't swim. A group of teenagers came to the sight to rescue her but couldn't reach her. When all hope seemed lost, a being in the water pushed her gently to shore. When she recovered from her near death experience, she and the teens saw the sight of a large green tail. The village thinks that the hole may be inhabited to a fish person.” She stopped and raised one eyebrow.

“Don't they mean 'mermaid'? These reporters know nothing.” she said.

“Who cares?” I asked. “It was my idea. My plan. I'm the man.”

We left town and went to the hole. It was swarming with villagers who were either trying to capture or get a glimpse of the mermaid.

“They won't find her here.” Tyler said.

“Yeah, cuz we already got her, son.” I laughed.

Ashley rolled her eyes and we headed back toward town.

“Yo, we're gonna need a name for her.” Adam said.

“I have a name and I like it.” Ashley said.

“Not for you. For the mermaid. You need an undercover name, girl.”

“Like what?”

We all thought long and hard for a name that would fit her. We abandoned names that were already taken. We were all stumped for a while. It was Adam who broke the silence.

“How 'bout Fish-Girl?” he joked.

Ashley slapped him hard across the face. “Ow.”

“C'mon guys we need a good name. Not some stupid stuff like Fish-Girl.” I said.

“I got nothing.” Liana said.

The others were in the same situation. I was the only one who had a possible name.

“What about Oceana?” I asked.

“Hmm. Princess Oceana.” Ashley said. “I like that.”

“Is the 'princess' part necessary?”

“Yeah I am royalty and so is the mermaid.”

“Isn't that the same person?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes at my question.

“Alright, we got the name and we got the plan. We're good. We're good.” Adam said.

“Oh, yeah and I say we celebrate!” I said.

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