Chapter 13

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It's been 2 months since Ell has had his accident. In that time, everyone has given up. He has til next month til doctors pull the plug. When Rydel heard that, she had a breakdown. I haven't spoken to her since the time she snapped at me.

A lot of things have changed. I love singing. I do it all the time. And I started acting. Disney offered me a part in one of their shows. I'm lucky that it was Austin and Ally. I get to work with my brother. We have to go film today. The first episode I'm in.

This episode is obviously not real and is made up.

My character's name is Abbie. I come at the beginning of the episode to Austin and say I'm his twin.


AU: Austin
AB: Abbie
A: Ally
T: Trish
D: Dez

AB: (Walks in the music factory)
A: (Notices the New girl and walks to her.) Are you here for music lessons?
AB: No. I have a question though.
A: What is it?
AB: Do you know Austin Moon? I have to talk to him.
A: Uh, yea. Let me go find him.
AU: What do- Abbie?
AB: (Runs and hugs Austin tight.) AUSTIN I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!
AU: I missed you to. It's okay. I'm here now. (Hugs back)
T: Did we miss something?
AB: Austin is my twin brother.
AU: And her older brother.
AB: By 20 minutes. (Crosses arms)
D: I'm getting the feeling something is different.
A: (Everyone looks at Dez) Yea. Austin has the responsibility to watch over someone.
D: Nooo. That's not it.

Episode ends

I get changed in the my blue- stripped shirt, white shorts, New York cap, and sparkly converse.

"Come on Rox, let's go to Get Shaved." Rani says. "I can't. Me and Ross have to go to the hospital." I replie. "Then you don't have to celebrate you being a main character." Calum says. "WAIT, WHAT?" I yell. "Yea, I just got them to get you on their." I hear Ross say behind me. I tackle him with a hug. "THANKS SO MUCH TWIN." I yell, again. He just laughs and hugs me back.

My phone goes off. I look at it and see tweets from Laura, Calum, and Rani with a picture and caption saying we are the cutest siblings ever. I laugh and retweet it. "We are pretty cute, aren't we?" Everyone laughs from what I say. "What are we waiting for? Let's go to Get Shaved. Then Ross, we have to break the news to Everyone." I say.

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