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"R-Roxy?" That voice sounds really familiar. Ross.

"OMG ROSS! DOCTORS SAID YOU WOULDN'T WAKE UP!" I said, maybe louder than what I wanted it to turn out to be. "Wait, what do you mean doctors said I wouldn't wake up?" Ross said, obviously confused. "Little bro, you were hit by a semi truck, that was going at 95 miles per hour." Riker said for me.

Just then, his girlfriend Anna, walked in. "Oh my poor Rossybear. I feel so helpless to you right now. Do you want me to get- who is that girl? Are you cheating on me?" She asks. Oh yea, we've never met.

Dang it, I wanted it to stay that way.

"My twin would never cheat on a pretty girl like you. I'm Roxy, Ross's twin sister." I said, probably too nice. Dial it down Roxy! I don't want her to think I'm her friend! "Twin? You don't even look the same. ALL twins look exactly alike." She said. That bitch. I hate her already. And she's stupid. Ross went too low.


What is Anna thinking? Twins don't have to look the same. Besides, we have blonde hair, the only difference is Roxy's eye color, bright blue.

"You know, all twins don't look like each other...right?" Ryland asks. "Umm...yea I knew that." Anna said. "Anyways, Rossybear, you can Come over to my house when you get released later." She continued. "Actually, I want some twin time because we haven't had a twin day for weeks." I said. "With that ugly slut? No, you have no choice. Your coming with Me, and maybe, you can take my virginity tonight." Anna said, creepily. "I don't want to, and with that comment, get out of my life forever. I'm breaking up with you. Leave. Now." I said.


I was so mad with Anna for calling my best friend (little sister) a slut. We are really close after her and Ross. For some reason, Roxy trusts me, and I like that. "Nobody calls my little sister a slut! I feel like you already lost your virginity, and was cheating on My little bro. So, Ross is right. Get out of our lives. FOREVER!" Maybe I overreacted a little.

Anna stormed out of the room, sobbing. Bye Felicia.

We took Ross home, and had a relaxing family day for the night, while watching movies.

I cuddled Roxy close to me, when I felt my shirt get wet. I looked down, and my little sister was crying. I broke my heart. She never cries, or at least that I know of. It hurts me soo much, I start to cry myself.

"Rox, what Anna said, don't let that change your life. Your perfect. You and Rydel are my angels, and if you change, I Will change." I said, soothing. She couldn't speak, and just sniffled and nodded and buried her head in my chest. Man, do I love this girl.

We both fell asleep on the couch cuddled up to each other on the couch, never letting each other go.

This moment is perfect. I wish I could just freeze it and live in it FOREVER.

The Lynch's Sister (R5 fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now