Chapter 12

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It's been 3 weeks since Ell slipped into a come. Doctors don't think he will wake up, and my family is starting to lose hope. I won't give up on him though.

My brothers say not to blame Roxy, because it was an "accident". I don't think it was. Her plan was to trip And fall onto him, causing him to land in the crowd, making him embarrassed. You don't do that. Its not cool. So, I've been ignoring her. That's how it feels to have someone you love not respond to you.

I was at the hospital today. I saw Roxy in there, holding his hand and crying. "Get away from him. He probably hates you. As do I now." I snap. And I meant every word of it.


"Get away from him. He probably hates you. As do I now." Rydel said. Why does everybody in thus family hate me? "Because you hurt people they love." She says. "I said that out loud?" I asked. Delly nodded her head. "Just leave." She snaps again. I walked out slowly. "I'm sorry Elly, if you can hear me. Please forgive me." I say, then walk out.

I took a walk to the beach. Yea, I'm not petrified of beaches anymore. I saw a familiar face. Kenton! "KENTON! OVER HERE!" I yell. He looks at me, then walks over, with Alice? "Hey Roxy. This is my sister Alice. Alice, this is my friend Roxy." He says.

They do look familiar with the Brown hair and blue eyes. "We know each other. Riker is her older brother." Alice says. "Why are you crying?" I didn't realize I was crying. "Oh. Its just family issues. Don't worry about it." I respond. But I'm not fine, so I didn't say I was fine. He nods and asks, "Can I have your phone number. You know, for friends?" I laughed then nodded.

We went to Get Shaved, and then to the park. By the time I got home, It was 9:30. "Where were you. Ross is upstairs pacing yours and his room." Riker said. "Chill. I was with Kenton and Alice. We- wait, did you say me and Ross's room?" I say/ask. "Yea. Rydel said you got in a fight. So we thought, put you with your twin." He responded. I groan and Riker laughs. "Why did you groan? I thought you loved him?" "I do. Its just. Ross has the messest room in the house." I say. "You can stay with me and Rocky." I think about it. "I'll spend 1 night with you." He nods and we change my room. For the second time

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