Chapter Thirty One(Alex)

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Alex and Zack were in the car, on a beautiful summer day after just visiting Jack and Rian at their apartment. Zack and Rian went for a motorbike ride, while Jack and Alex stayed behind and took Jack and  Rian's dog Bella for a hike. Alex laughed to himself as he thought of how close he and Jack have come over the last 3 years. And he smiled again knowing the love of his life and his best friend had become close as well, as weekly motorbike trips was a staple in Zack and Rian's schedule. Which of course made Alex and Jack nervous for their boys every time, but they knew they had each others backs on the road.

As the car hummed along the familiar streets, Alex stole a glance at Zack, his partner of 3 years. The soft glow of city lights reflected in Zack's eyes, and Alex couldn't help but smile. "Hey, babe, I've got a surprise for you," he said, excitement evident in his voice.

Zack raised an eyebrow, a curious smile forming. "A surprise? You've piqued my interest, Alex."

Alex reached into the backseat, pulling out a soft, black blindfold. "Trust me," he said, grinning. "Put this on, and I'll guide you to something special."

Zack chuckled but willingly complied, securing the blindfold in place. "You know babe, if you wanted to be kinky like this, you only had to ask."Zack said teasingly.

Alex laughed. "Oh shush. Don't ruin my sweet moment! But save that sultry  attitude for later mister." Alex teased right back. The car continued its journey, and Alex could feel Zack's anticipation growing with every turn. Finally, they came to a stop, and Alex helped Zack out of the car.

"Where are we?" Zack asked, his voice muffled by the blindfold.

"Almost there," Alex reassured him, guiding him with a gentle hand. As they walked, the sounds of the city gradually transformed into the tranquility of a suburban neighborhood.

Stopping, Alex removed the blindfold, revealing an open house with a 'For Sale' sign – the very house Zack had admired countless times. Alex grinned, "Surprise!"

Zack's eyes widened in disbelief, scanning the exterior of the dreamy two-story home. "Is this...?"

"The one you always talk about," Alex finished for him. "We have been talking about buying a house for a while now, and we have both been working so hard on improving our credit and paying off our debts, I thought we deserved a chance to check it out."

Zack turned to Alex and kissed him on the lips. Holding his head in his hands. "You my love. Just  always know what to say/do to make my day."

Zack took Alex's hand and started pulling them up the sidewalk. Alex took in the home as they walked, wanting to examine every detail if possible. The two-story home stands with stately elegance, its exterior adorned in a deep, dignified navy blue. A sort of sophistication is added by the meticulously crafted stone trim that outlines the edges, creating a contrast against the deep blue backdrop. A peaked roof  compliments the whole house. There was Large, beautiful windows on both floors, allowing natural light to cascade into the living spaces and providing a glimpse into the warmth that resides within.

Alex stared longingly at his favorite part as they walked hand in hand to the entrance. A wrap-around porch embraces the front of the home, inviting residents and guests to enjoy the outdoors. The porch was so charming and it made Alex want to sit out there with a good book, Alex imagined him and Zack growing old in that porch. Sitting in their rocking chairs, holding hands, complaining about how the kids never call.

As they opened the front door, Excitement radiated from Zack as they entered the house. Each room revealed a piece of the life they could build together. As they explored, Zack couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

In the master bedroom, Zack squeezed Alex's hand. "Baby! We could make this our little slice of heaven, our own little retreat. I am thinking a soft color palette like pastel green or blue to create a calming space." Zack let go of Alex's hand as he raced around the room pointing out the various places he was talking about.

"Imagine elegant drapes framing the large windows, giving us so much natural light when we want, and darkness when we don't!"  Alex looked in amused as Zack continued to ramble in the most adorable way. Their mutual love for home improvement shows has certainly made Zack enthusiastic about all of the ways he can fix a house.

"And on the walls we can put up all of our pictures from each carnival we go to! And a reading nook for all your books and my teddy bears over here by the window!" Zack said as he pointed to the walls near the window.

Alex walked over to Zack, who was practically vibrating in excitement. Taking his hand and kissing his cheek. "Baby... it Sounds like you have a beautiful plan of providing a space for us to have quiet moments together."

Zack nodded. "Oh absolutely I would love to come home to a place like this."

Entering the kitchen, Zack's excitement grew.
"We could update the cabinets with a rich wood finish, we could install granite countertops for a touch of luxury, even though the ones in here are fine."  Zack shrugged.

Alex's face lit up as he joined Zack in his day dream. "We could put sleek, stainless steel appliances. I would love to cook in this kitchen. Making you a protein shake before a workout." Alex smiled and spoke excitedly.

Zack nodded enthusiastically. As in his head he saw the heart of their home transformed into a space that seamlessly transformed into their perfect vision.

Zack's imaginative touch wanted to improve something in each room, turning the house into a reflection of their shared vision and creating a canvas for the life they hoped to build together. Alex was in love with the house and the plans Zack seemed to have for it. 

"Alex, this is amazing. I can see us making a life here." Zack said  as they stood in the fenced I n backyard.

The words hung in the air, a profound silence filling the space between them. Alex's heart swelled with emotion, realizing that this house symbolized their shared dreams. Zack turned to him, his eyes sparkling. "I can imagine us raising a family here, building memories."

Alex's eyes welled up with tears. Zack's declaration echoed his own desires, unspoken until now. "Zack, that's the first time you brought up us raising kids together."

Zack turned to Alex, wiping his tears. "Of course I want to raise a family together Alex. While munchkin is a great first child, I want human ones eventually."

Alex laughed lightly. "Even if they're messy and loud?"

Zack laughed "Yes. Even if they are messy and loud."

"I've been dreaming of that too baby." Alex admitted, overcome with joy.

As they stood there, Zack wrapped his arms around Alex. "Let's make an offer. Let's build our future here."

A mix of emotions flooded Alex's heart – gratitude, love, and the overwhelming realization that their journey had led them to this defining moment. Together, hand in hand, they approached the realtor asking about how they could possibly step into a new chapter. Alex was ready to turn a house into a home filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a family.

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