Chapter Eight(Zack)

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Jack looked at Rian for a moment, before looking away admiring the lights all around the carnival, his eyes reflecting the light from the carnival.
As the ride came to a stop at the ground, Jack climbed out waiting for Rian to get out. As Rian got out he stumbled slightly, leaching onto Jack's forearm blood almost immediately rushing to his cheeks.

"If you're not careful Rian will fall for you Jack" Zack said innocently with a small chuckle.

Alex looked at Rian and Jack taking note of how Rian was still attached to Jack's arm. "Looks like he already has," Alex said with a cheeky laugh.

Rian groans swatting Alex's head "Shut up asshole" Rian mumbled as he walked away.

As the group continued their evening, it was like the heavens opened up and little dribbles and splatters of rain started to surround them.
Zack ducks under a shelter pulling Alex under with him by his hand, blushing heavily "Sorry" he muttered as Alex's hands pressed against his chest to steady himself.

As the rain began to fall, Jack offered his jacket to Rian, who gratefully accepted it, their hands brushing briefly as they exchanged the garment. Rian smiled up at Jack, a silent thank you passing between them before they joined the others under the shelter, the pattern of rain providing a soothing background to their laughter and conversations.

"Let's head back to mine" Zack suggested "It's the closest and I have a spare bedroom for one of you to sleep in, plus the couch," Zack said as he cuddled Alex, the sky blue teddy tucked under his jacket to keep safe and out of the way so his hands were free.

The group arrived back at Zack's cosy house to escape the dreary weather. With the sound of rain pattering against the windows, they decided to spend what was left of the evening indoors, playing board games to pass the time.

Zack rummaged through his collection of board games, pulling out classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Clue. After some deliberation, they settled on playing Monopoly.

As they set up the game board and distributed the resources, laughter and friendly banter filled the room. Outside, the rain continued to pour, but the atmosphere was warm and lively inside Zack's house.

Throughout the game, alliances were formed and broken, strategies were devised and thwarted, and rivalries emerged among the players.

"You can't get paid while you're in jail!" Jack whines as Alex hands Zack the rent for his brown house.

"That's why Zack's in jail for stealing from the innocent" Rian jokes.

Alex rolled his eyes as he pushed the dice towards Rian "Shut up and role"

Despite the competitiveness, the mood remained light-hearted, with occasional breaks for snacks and drinks.As the game progressed and the hours passed, the rain outside showed no sign of letting up. But inside, surrounded by good company and engrossed in the excitement of the game, Alex, Zack, Rian, and Jack found themselves enjoying the rainy evening in each other's company.

As the Game came to an end, it was 2 am "I'll help set up the couch" Jack said as he guided Alex and Zack to the main bedroom innocently.
Zack rolled his eyes but made his way to the bedroom with Alex.

Alex walked in putting the teddy he had won for Zack on the bedside table before taking off his jumper.
Zack walked to the chest of drawers grabbing a pair of shorts for Alex and himself "Do you want a shirt?" Zack asked sweetly.

Alex felt a warmth spread through him at Zack's thoughtful gesture, touched by his kindness. "Yes, please," he replied with a grateful smile, accepting the offered shirt.

As they changed into more comfortable attire, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy settle between them. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time, and it left him feeling both exhilarated and strangely content.

Once they were settled in for the night, Zack turned off the lights, leaving only the soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminating the room. As they lay side by side, the sound of the rain outside provided a soothing backdrop to their quiet conversation.

"Thank you for today, Alex," Zack said softly, turning to look at him in the dim light. "I had a wonderful time."

Alex smiled, his eyes shining with warmth. "I did too, Zack," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm glad we went to the carnival with Jack and Ri and came back here"

Zack closed his eyes as he moved closer to Alex, his back against his chest, their bodies pressed together, their chests rising and falling in sync as they cuddled in the bed.

As the early hours of the morning wore on, the gentle pitter-patter of rain against the windowpane gradually grew louder, accompanied by distant rumbles of thunder echoing through the night sky. At first, the sound was distant and muted, but as the storm drew closer, the thunder grew louder and more ominous, reverberating through the room with a deep, rumbling intensity.

With each clap of thunder, Zack's demeanour shifted, his previously relaxed expression tensing with apprehension. As the thunder roared overhead, he flinched, his body instinctively recoiling at the sudden burst of sound.

Alex noticed Zack's reaction, his heart going out to his more than a friend as he reached out a comforting hand, offering reassurance in the face of the storm. "It's okay, Zack," he said soothingly, his voice a gentle anchor amid the tempest. "It's just a little thunder. We're safe here."

Zack nodded, trying to steady his racing heartbeat as he forced himself to relax. Despite his best efforts, the sound of the thunder still filled him with a sense of unease, its booming echoes reverberating through him like a constant reminder of the storm's power, soon fell asleep in Alex's arms.
Alex moved away slowly standing up from the bed.

"No don't leave" Zack protested his eyes opening for a brief second before closing again

Before walking over to the Bearche noted Jack had gotten him and said it was an emotional support teddy before walking back to Zack, putting the teddy between the sleeping man's arms before climbing back into the bed, holding Zack in his arms.

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