Chapter Twenty Seven(Zack)

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Alex looked at Zack for a moment as he pulled his shirt over his head "what's wrong handsome boy?" Alex asked as he sat down besides Zack. "You seem anxious"

"I want to meet your parents but- I don't know how to act" Zack expressed "I don't want them to see me full ADHD, hyper, rambly, emotional you know?" Zack asked as he rambled at Alex anxiously.

Alex listened intently, lifting up Zack's chin softly "it's dinner, we don't have to stay after, we don't have to go before, we can just go for the food" Alex responded rubbing Zack's chin comfortingly.

Zack leaned into Alex's touch bowing his head down anxiously "but Lex" Zack tried to protest

Alex continued to stroke Zack's hair soothingly, his touch a steady anchor amidst Zack's swirling thoughts.

"Listen, I know meeting parents can be nerve-wracking," Alex said, his voice calm and reassuring. "But trust me, they're going to see the amazing person I see every day. And even if they don't fully understand ADHD or any other aspect of you, they'll see your kindness, your humor, your passion. And they'll see how much you care about me, about us. That's what matters most."

Zack let out a shaky breath, feeling the tension in his shoulders begin to ease. He looked up at Alex, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thanks, Lex," he said softly. "I just... I really want them to like me."

Alex smiled warmly, his heart swelling with affection for the man beside him. "They will, Zack," he said assuredly. "But even if they didn't, it wouldn't change a thing between us. Remember, you're not defined by anyone's opinion but your own. And as long as you're being true to yourself, that's all that matters."

Zack bit his inner lip to stop himself from crying "shut up" Zack whispered wiping his eyes "you are going to make me cry again"

Alex rubbed a finger over Zack's chin leaning forward and kissing his lips "you have time for a shower, we leave in one hour, which is 3600 seconds" Alex said kissing Zack again before moving away.

Zack bit his lip but nodded as he stood up and walked to the bathroom, turning on the shower quietly letting it warm up "I'll get you some coffee for when you're out" Alex called out.

Zack smiled "thank you" he responded.

As Zack stood under the warm spray of the shower, he let the water cascade over him, washing away some of the lingering nerves. Yet, despite Alex's comforting words and gestures, a knot of anxiety still coiled in his stomach.

He couldn't shake the fear of being judged, of not living up to expectations, of somehow disappointing Alex or his parents. It was a familiar refrain that echoed in his mind, a relentless voice of doubt that threatened to overshadow everything else.

But as he closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of water against his skin, Zack made a silent vow to himself. He would face this challenge head-on, with courage and authenticity. He wouldn't let his fears hold him back, not when he had Alex by his side, unwavering in his support and love.

Feeling slightly more composed, Zack turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping himself in a fluffy towel. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the evening ahead.

As the couple finished getting ready, they made their way to Alex's car. Alex opened the Passenger door "my king" Alex whispered pecking Zack's lips.

"Thank you darling" Zack said mocking Alex's accent teasingly

Alex chuckles biting his lip looking at Zack "fuck- you sound hot with a fake British accent" Alex whined pecking his lips again.
Zack laughed, his nerves easing further with each playful exchange. "Well, you know, just trying to add a little sophistication to the evening," he quipped, sliding into the passenger seat.

Alex grinned, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. "You're already sophisticated enough for both of us," he teased, reaching over to squeeze Zack's hand reassuringly as they drove towards his parents' house.

"Can we stop at the shop and grab some flowers, so I can make a good impression?" Zack asked quietly looking at his boyfriend.

"Of course babe" He replied, as he drove, pulling into a shopping car park "want to go in alone? Or want me to come in with you?"

"Can you come with me because I don't know what they like" Zack whispered rambling anxiously, his brain going 100 miles per hour, as usual.

"Hey, take a deep breath," Alex reassured Zack with a gentle smile. "It's going to be fine. Just grab some flowers you like, maybe something to drink to relax a bit."

Zack nodded gratefully, feeling reassured by Alex's calm demeanor. He wandered through the flower shop, carefully selecting a colorful bouquet that caught his eye. With the flowers in hand, he made his way to the drinks section, scanning the shelves until he found his favorite flavored water and a bottle of soda for Alex.

As he hesitated in front of the chocolate display, unsure of what to choose, Zack decided to play it safe and grabbed a variety of chocolate bars. "Just in case," he thought to himself, hoping it would be a sweet addition to the evening.

With his purchases in hand, Zack headed back to the car, feeling a sense of accomplishment despite his lingering nerves. He knew that no matter what happened, he had Alex's support every step of the way.

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