Chapter Five(Alex)

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As Alex walked through the door, he couldn't help but sigh contentedly. The evening with Zack had been nothing short of magical. The sparks had flown, and Alex couldn't shake the giddy feeling that lingered within him.

Turning on the soft lights in his cozy apartment, Alex made his way to the bathroom, still replaying the sweet moments of their spontaneous date in his mind. The laughter, the shared stories, and that lingering kiss at the end – it all felt like a scene from a romantic movie.

Under the warm water of the shower, Alex let his thoughts wander. The sensation of Zack's lips on his lingered, and a smile crept onto his face. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and Alex couldn't wait to explore where this newfound connection might lead.

After the shower, Alex wrapped himself in a fluffy towel and headed to his bedroom. He exchanged his dapper outfit for a comfy pair of sweatpants, reveling in the relaxed feeling they provided. Climbing into bed, he found Munchkin, his orange tabby cat, waiting for him.

"Munchkin, you won't believe how amazing tonight was, I met the cutest boy and guess what? We kissed munchkin. He is so dreamy..."Alex said, cooing at his cat. His fingers gently running through the cat's fur. Munchkin purred in response, seemingly aware of her owner's upbeat mood.

As Alex settled into bed, he reached for his phone to text Rian.

Alex: Hey Rian, you won't believe the night I had with Zack. It was incredible. Can't wait to fill you in tomorrow! Alex typed with a grin on his face.

Rian: Why wait!? Tell me now! I deserve it after you ditched me. 😂

Alex giggled at the message.

Alex: I am so sorry about that! I genuinely lost track of time! The moment Zack said hello to me I swear time was altered.


Alex: Oh shut up! 😝 But it was incredible Ri! After the beach cleanup, we watched the sunset, and then he asked me to dinner spontaneously, nonetheless. And then after dinner, I held his hands as I walked him home under the stars.  When I embarrassingly gave him Star facts he told me it was cute instead of being weirded out.  And I kissed him when I dropped him off.

A startling and upsetting realization hitting Alex like a tonne of bricks. He didn't get Zack's number. Alex was terrified he may never see the possible man of his dreams again. And Alex forgot the route his Uber took from Zack's house, and Alex didn't want to stalk him in the off chance they could speak again.

Rian: Oh my god! That is the cutest shit.. I am so happy to hear you excited about a guy again! I am really glad we ran into Jack and Zack today. When are you seeing him again?

Alex: I have no clue. That is the problem. I didn't get his number.I was so carried away with the romance of it all. 😳😳 RIAN YOU HAVE TO HELP ME. PLEEEEEEASE REACH OUT TO JACK AND GET ZACK'S NUMBER FOR ME. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I AM BEGGING.

Alex saw the bubble pop up showing Rian was typing.... And then it went away. And then came back up... it made Alex anxious

RIAN: 555-348- 7709. You owe me. And if you get married. I need everyone to know that I am the perfect matchmaker.

Alex: OH MY GOD I FUCKING LOVE YOU! 🥹🥹 Night Night Ri!

Alex saved the # under Zack... and he hesitated, before he decided to say fuck it.

Alex: Hey Handsome. It's Alex. I made a grave mistake and didn't get your number. Rian helped me by bugging your friend Jack I assume... I hope you don't mind. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if I never got to hear from you again. I hope it isn't too forward I texted you. 🙈

Alex wasn't expecting a reply tonight, but he wanted to make sure Zack knew he was thinking about him. With Munchkin purring contentedly at his side, Alex drifted off to sleep, his heart still fluttering from the unexpected but wonderful turn his evening had taken.

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