Chapter Sixteen(Jack)

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"You wanted to talk?" Jack asked as he walked into Rian's apartment fidgeting with the hem of his sleeves. "Everything alright?" Jack asked concern evident in his voice.

It had been somewhat awkward since their work do two weeks ago. Rian had avoided being with Jack alone, they only really hung out without if it was with Zack and Alex now.

"Yeah of course, I wanted to introduce you to someone" Rian stated as he lead Jack into the apartment.

"Someone?" Jack asked rasing an eyebrow "anyone special?" He questioned.

"My girlfriend" Rian responded a smile plasted on his face. "Before you ask if things are moving quickly, no they aren't, we've been seeing each other for the last two weeks exclusively" Rian explained.

Jack nodded slowly "oh" he responded "right" he said "good for you" Jack muttered under his breath. Regret evident on his face for not forcing himself to talk to Rian sooner.

"What's her name? What's she like?" Jack asked

"Her name is Chelse, she's amazing, she's so sweet, loving, caring" Rian responded. Jack's stepped back from Rian, staring in his eyes for a second shaking his head. As he listened to Rian talk about Chelsea, he could have sworn Rian's eyes had hearts form, like those stupid cartoon characters who fell deeply in love.

Rian looked at Jack "Jack? You ready to meet her? She's at the door" Rian explained.

As Rian approached the door and opened it, greeting Chelsea with a warm yet loving hug and a soft peck on the lips.

Jack stared silently in shock watching the greeting before shaking his head "I've got to go" Jack muttered, his heart sinking to his stomach, he felt sick to his stomach.

Jack rushed out, pushing past Rian and Chelsea making a beeline to his car, connecting his phone to the Bluetooth speaker before calling Zack desperately. "Pick up pick up pick up" he thought desperately.

Zack picked up the phone on the first ring, his mouth dry. His stomach twisted

as he heard Jack's panicked demeanor on the other line.

"What's wrong?" he asked immediately.

"Massive problem, is Alex there?" Jack questioned

Zack shakes his head "no, work" Zack responded after a bit. "Jack talk to me, you're making me anxious" Zack muttered.

"I cant, not until Alex is there" Jack said as he drove, calming himself down slowly.

"I-Jack" Zack mumbled rubbing his temple and sighing deeply.

"You'll forget about it in a few minutes" Jack responded a smug smile on his face accompanied by a teasing playful tone

"Hey!" Zack exclaimed "I took my meds today so I'll remember it!"

"I'll be around in half an hour, I'm grabbing some beers," Jack said as he drove to the nearest store.

As Jack parked his car near the store, his mind raced with conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake the image of Rian with Chelsea from his head. Despite his attempt to play it off coolly on the phone with Zack, his heart still clenched with unease.

Inside the store, Jack wandered aimlessly through the aisles, grabbing a pack of beers while his mind churned with thoughts. He couldn't deny the sinking feeling that something was off about Chelsea. Memories of Zack's turbulent relationship with her resurfaced, each one a warning sign flashing in his mind.

Back in the car, Jack struggled to calm his racing thoughts as he drove to Zack's place. He needed to talk to Alex, to voice his concerns and seek advice. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on his chest, and he longed for the comfort of his friends' company.

Finally arriving at Zack's, Jack made his way inside, the beers clinking in his hand. He found Zack pacing anxiously in the living room, his expression fraught with worry. Without a word, Jack handed him a beer and sank into the nearest chair, steeling himself for the conversation ahead.

Zack took a long sip of his beer, his gaze fixed on Jack. "Alright, spill it. What's going on?"

Jack took a deep breath, his mind racing as he tried to find the right words. "It's about Rian," he began, his voice shaky with emotion. "he has a girlfriend" Jack said.

"That's great news," Zack said softly "I'm happy for him" Zack confirmed.

Jack shakes his head "No" Jack mumbled wrapping his arms around Zack's waist hiding his face in Zack's neck. "When will Al be here?" He asked.

"Half an hour-ish? I think" Zack responded "I don't know, time is confusion"

After an hour or so, Alex walked into Zack's apartment, dropping the spare keys into the key bowl, before licking off his shoes and making his way to the living room seeing Zack and Jack curled up next to each other, watching a movie.

Alex coughed softly "hello" he muttered a tiny pang of jealousy seeing Zack curled up next to Jack in his chest.

"Lexie" Zack spoke up, sitting up and opened his arms for Alex for a hug "you okay handsome?"

"I would be if I knew what was going" Alex responded coldly before giving Zack a brief hug kissing his cheek "Rian wouldn't stop messaging me at work, You messaged in a panic" Alex expressed as he sat down besides Zack.

"Have you seen or spoken to Rian?" Jack spoke up looking at Alex.

Alex ran his fingers through Zack's hair peacefully before he shook his head. "No, I came here for Zack first" Alex responded.

Zack sits up poking Jack "what was it you wanted to talk about?" Zack asked reluctantly.

"Rian has a new girlfriend, he dropped that on me this morning" Jack explained.

Alex ran his fingers through Zack's hair gently "That's good news isn't it?"

Jack shook his head "no, not in the slightest"

"Just cause you didn't get chance to tell him" Zack teased

"No- Zachy" Jack mumbled "it's Chelsea- your ex Chelsea-" Jack said weakly.

Zack stares at Jack in shock, his hands shaking softly as tears formed in the corners of his eyes "n-no" he whispered.

As Zack's trembling voice filled the room, a heavy silence descended upon them. Alex's expression shifted from confusion to concern, his eyes darting between Jack and Zack, understanding slowly dawning on him.

"Oh, Zack," Alex breathed out, his voice laced with sympathy as he reached out to hold Zack's hand. "I'm so sorry."

Zack's shoulders slumped, and he buried his face in his hands, overcome with a mixture of disbelief and pain. Memories of his tumultuous past with Chelsea flooded his mind, each one a painful reminder of the scars she had left behind.

Jack sat beside Zack, his own heart heavy with guilt and remorse. He reached out tentatively, placing a comforting hand on Zack's back, offering silent support in the face of his friend's anguish.

For a while, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of Zack's quiet sobs and the gentle hum of the movie playing in the background. Alex and Jack remained by his side, their presence a silent reassurance that he was not alone in his pain.

Eventually, Zack lifted his head, his eyes red-rimmed but filled with determination. "I C-can't t-talk to Rian," he whispered, his voice wavering but resolute. "I-I don't think I-i can be around him" Zack choked out.

Alex nodded in agreement, squeezing Zack's hand gently. "No pressure baby, no pressure in talking to him," he promised, his voice unwavering in its support.

"Your mental health first Zachy" Jack whispered, squeezing Zack's knee as he stood up, getting each of them a can of beer.

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