Chapter Eleven(Alex)

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Alex woke up to Zack giving him gentle kisses on his cheeks. Alex stirred. "Mmmmm. Morning Handsome." He said as he blinked several time, adjusting to the subtle light.

"Hi cutie pie.I made you some coffee. I am going to set it down here because I have had bad luck with coffee cups today and last thing I want to do is spill on you." Alex saw Zack gently place the cup down on the the nightstand next to him. Zack had one on each side of his bed Alex noticed.

Alex giggled. "Bad luck?" Alex pulled Zack by the hand down on to the bed with him. Instead of landing next to him as planned, Zack came crashing down on top of Alex with an "oomph" Zack blushed as Alex took in a sharp intake of Air. The wind knocked out of him a bit.

"I am so sorry Alex, you were trying to be cute and I ruined it. I am all out of sorts today.My brain is a bit foggy. I—" Zack rolled over on to the free side of the bed and pulled his knees to his chest.

Alex sat up quickly. "Hey.. Zack it's Ok. I am fine and you didn't ruin anything. I am ok, I loved that you woke me up with little kisses and coffee. And for the record, I would gladly be crushed by you any day." Alex winked as he gingerly placed a hand on Zack's knee.

Zack looked up at Alex. Their eyes met. "You mean it? You're not mad?" Zack said softly.

Alex shook his head. "Not at all. I Think it is a bit adorable how clumsy you can be at times. But you seemed concerned... everything ok?" Alex leaned forward and took Zack's hand in his.

Zack nodded. "Yeah, I just forgot to refill my ADHD meds so my brain is super scattered and it makes me a bit clumsy and foggy." Zack shrugged a bit embarrassed he had to admit it out loud.

Alex took Zack's face in his hand, rubbing his thumb on his cheek. "You seem embarrassed. Don't be. You can be honest with me Zack. I know we are taking it slow with no pressure, but, you can still trust me. I am not here to judge, I am here to help." Alex looked at Zack softly. Unbeknownst to Zack, Alex's heart was quickly becoming all his, but he wouldn't tell him. Last thing he wants is to scare Zack off. Alex would play the long game, follow Zack's lead.

Zack put his hand on top of Alex's on his cheek. "Thanks Lex."

Alex smiled. "Lex?"

Zack nodded. "I have been calling you Lex in my brain or when talking to Jack about you, so it's kinda stuck now? So I decided to try and call you it to your face."

Alex kissed Zack's cheek. "I like it. Cute that you have a little nickname for me. Now I will have to think of one for you."

Alex and Zack got out of the bed, Alex grabbed his coffee and Zack lead them to the living room. "Hey Rian and Jack are still here because we are flooded in. The road is blocked and flooded so we are stuck together for a while."

Zack stopped them in the hall before they entered the living room. He whispered. "By the way, I found Jack and Rian cuddled on the pullout couch this morning, instead of one on the couch, and one in the spare bedroom."

Alex's eyes lit up. "No way! Oh my gooooood! That is so cute!"

Zack nodded. "Yeah! Could you imagine if our best friends fell in love? I wouldn't bring it up though because neither one of them really said anything about it. I think they're kind of just pretending like nothing happened."

Alex nodded. "Noted!"

As they entered the kitchen/living room open area, the aroma of coffee lingered in the air.

"Good morning sleepy head.Last up as usual." Rian ribbed, nudging Alex playfully as he hugged him.

Alex stuck his tongue out. "Haha. You butthead."

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