Chapter Six(Zack)

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A week had passed since Alex and Zack initially met for the first time. Since then the duo has been meeting each other in the evening. Today Alex was coming around Zack's as they both had the night off and the following day off.

As Zack finished cleaning the last room of his apartment there was a repeated knock on the door as Zack turned the vacuum off.

Zack sighed as he put the vacuum away and made his way to the door, looking through the peephole quickly checking who it was.

The famously shaggy brown hair of Alex with a red beanie stood outside the apartment, sending a chill up Zack's spin. Zack looked into the mirror quickly adjusting his hair before opening the front door. "Hello beautiful," Zack said a grin on his face as he looked at the older.

Alex smiled as he embraced Zack with a light squeeze "Hi handsome" Alex said as he stole an innocent kiss from Zack's lips.

"I brought you some roses, and um coffee- well I did but I spilt the coffee in the uber- um I uh- I also brought you some chocolates" Alex rambled as he looked anywhere but Zack, his cheeks tinted with a crimson blush.

Zack looked at Alex before pulling Alex into a warm embrace "Thank you- but you didn't have to" Zack said pecking Alex's lips quickly.

"I-I wanted to show you that I'm serious about this" Alex said quietly "I mean- I'm serious if you're serious there's no pressure" Alex corrected himself coughing softly.

Zack paused for a second looking alex in the eyes lifting his chin so their eyes met "I want to be serious about this" Zack explained

"I feel a but coming" Alex said looking down with sad puppy dog eyes.

"I want to take it slow, I don't want a title yet, I want to do the cute romantic dates, the cringy flirting" Zack expressed. "The last relationship I was in was toxic and we rushed into it... she love bombed me a lot.." Zack explained, showing his most vulnerable side.

Zack pulled Alex into the apartment softly, taking the flowers and chocolate from Alex before putting the flowers neatly in a vase, adding water then putting the vase in the centre of his small fireplace in the living room. "I'll show you around quickly," Zack said softly, as he walked back to Alex

As they walked through the cozy apartment, Zack pointed out various items with a sense of pride and nostalgia in his voice. He gestured towards a shelf filled with an assortment of books, ranging from classic literature to contemporary fiction, and mentioned how he loved to lose himself in a good story.

Next, he led Alex to the kitchen, where a collection of herbs and spices lined the countertop. "I enjoy cooking," Zack confessed, a hint of sheepishness coloring his tone. "It's therapeutic for me, and I've been experimenting with new recipes lately."

Their tour continued to the small balcony overlooking the bustling city below. Zack leaned against the railing, taking in the view with a contemplative expression. "This is my favorite spot," he admitted. "I come out here to clear my head, especially after a long day at work."

Alex listened attentively, soaking in every detail about Zack's life. He couldn't help but admire the way Zack spoke about his passions with such sincerity and enthusiasm.

As they approached the final room, Zack's bedroom Zack paused. "Please don't judge me for what's me in here" Zack begged. "I don't usually show people my bedroom..." Zack trailed off as he pushed open his bedroom door.

Scattered across Zack's bedroom were many stuffed teddy's all different animals and sizes, some multi coloured some animal coloured. The walls were covered with a few blink-182 posters and a few polaroized selfies of Zack and Jack at some different concerts.

On Zack's dressing table there was a book that was tilted 'Concert Memories'

"Woah" Alex breathed out as he peaked in

"You can go in handsome" Zack said chuckling

Alex couldn't help but smile at Zack's nervousness, finding his vulnerability endearing. "Don't worry, Zack. I won't judge," he reassured him as he stepped into the room, taking in the sight before him.

The array of stuffed animals brought a softness to the room, a stark contrast to the typical image of Zack as a confident and capable man. Alex found himself drawn to the book titled 'Concert Memories,' his curiosity piqued.

"Wow, you've been to so many concerts," Alex remarked, flipping through the pages of the book. Each page was filled with ticket stubs, photos, and handwritten notes, capturing moments of joy and excitement.

Zack smiled proudly, his eyes lighting up as he watched Alex peruse the book. "Music has always been a big part of my life," he explained. "Those memories mean everything to me."

As Alex turned to look at Zack, he felt a surge of admiration for the man standing before him – vulnerable yet unapologetically himself. In that moment, he realized just how much he admired Zack's authenticity and passion for life.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, Zack," Alex said sincerely, his heart swelling with affection. "I'm glad I got to see this side of you."

Zack's smile widened, a warmth spreading through him at Alex's words. "Anytime, Alex," he said softly, his gaze lingering on Alex's face. "I'm glad you're here."

As they returned to the living room, Zack turned to face Alex, a hopeful glint in his eyes. "I know we're taking things slow, but I want you to know that I'm serious about us," he said earnestly. "I want to build something real with you, something meaningful."

Alex smiled, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "I want that too," he confessed softly. "And I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes.

"I assume based on your stuffed animal collection you are big on fairgrounds and carnivals" Alex asked fondly

Zack looked at the ground sighing "I have ADHD and OCD," Zack started "my parents said I had a meltdown because one of the carnival games had a replica of one of the stuffed teddies I lost a few weeks prior, I refused to leave without it, so dad had to win it for me, at some point during that time and my very first date, it became a ritual to do some of the carnival games on the first carnival date" Zack explained

"Ah, it appears I have a few competitive exes if they won you them" Alex responded chuckling a little nervously.

Zack shook his head "Actually no, I won the majority of them, my ex-girlfriends didn't want them and gave them back when we broke up, and my ex-boyfriend didn't want to be seen as soft or gay so he let me keep them" Zack explained. "The one on the couch is one Jack gave me for a birthday present that's kind of just an emotional support teddy" Zack explained.

Alex listened intently, his heart aching at the vulnerability Zack displayed as he shared his personal struggles. He felt a surge of admiration for Zack's resilience and honesty, realizing just how much strength it took to open up about such personal experiences.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Zack," Alex said softly, his voice filled with genuine empathy. "But it's clear that those experiences have shaped who you are today – a compassionate and resilient person."

Zack offered a small smile, grateful for Alex's understanding. "Yeah, they definitely played a big part in shaping my perspective on life," he admitted. "But hey, at least I have a pretty impressive collection of stuffed animals to show for it," he added with a hint of humor, trying to lighten the mood.

Alex chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Zack. "That you do," he agreed, a warmth spreading through him at the easy banter between them.

As they continued to chat, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of admiration and affection that swirled within him. He found himself drawn to Zack in a way he hadn't expected.

Alex wrapped his arm around Zack kissing his cheek softly "Hey I heard theres a fairground not far away, fancy going?" Alex suggested playing with Zack's soft hair.

"I'd love nothing more" Zack said turning in Alex's arms so he facing Alex. "Can we go now?" Zack asked excitedly.

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