Chapter 20: THE END !

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" Deon , How could you do this ? " I breathed out. I was pissed but trying to maintain my cool , I just wanted and needed my sister back.
" Ooooh you bitch , I knew you had the hots fir my sister but damn ? You gon kidnapp me. It just better be that serious." Paye yelled out.
" Shut up , both of you bitches. " Deon yelled causing the room to go completely silent.
" Now, I took Paye because I've wanted you for the longest. And nah. I don't wanna wife you but there are plenty of niggas that'll pay top dollar for that pussy. And now that you and Journey are done , it'll be easier than taking candy from a baby. " I seen Payes face contort and I winked.
" Alright. Whatever you want. Just please. Please let my sister go. " I begged him.
" Sorry. I can't do that. She knows and has seen too much. I have to keep you both. " he said.
" Please. I'll do anything." I said again. Really regretting not telling Journey about this.
" Oh I know you will. Simply because you'll do anything to keep little Paye alive. " Just then a big buff dude pulled out a gun and put it to Paye's head.
" Ok , ok. " I barely got out before i heard a gun shot go off. Me and Paye locked eyes. Looking each other over breathing a sign of relief knowing neither of us we're shot.
Suddenly bullets began shooting through the room. I ducked and ran over to Paye. Someone had gotten to her first beginning to untie her.
" Why are you helping me, " Paye asked him.
" I've been helping you since the day he kidnapped you. My names Derek, by the way." The guy whos name we just discovered is Derek said smiling at Paye.
" How are we going to get out of here?" I asked.
" Follow me. Journey and the guys are moving in on the room now. " he told us and we began to follow after him.
I looked back to see bodies laying all over the floor. Deon was nowhere in sight. I noticed Shy , laying on the ground.
I stopped. She looked up at me and smiled.
" I'm good. Bullet proof vest. " she said slowly getting up. And began following us out of the building.

I looked around , the street was deserted. Only big black trucks filled the streets.
" Mia." I heard someone call my name. I instantly knew who it was.
" Journey. " I called out. Looking around for him frantically.
When he finally made it over to us he wrapped me up in his arms.
" How'd you find me?" I asked him
" Put a tracker in your car. And besides. D , was watching. From the inside." He said jesturing towards Derek.
" So you knew who had my sister, and you never told me ? Un-fucking-believable " I said getting mad.
" Yeo boss. Deon got away." Someone ran up to Journey before he could answer me.
" Don't worry , we'll get that nigga. " was all he said.
" We layed all of them niggas down. 1 of us got hurt. But no one died." He also said.
" Cool. Get the one that got hurt to Adam , leave the guns and shit here. Ya'll know the story. " Journey told young dude.
" Who the hell is Adam ? " I asked Journey.
" A Doctor , " he simply said.

Just then gunshots rang out. Everyone ducked.
I looked around for Paye only to find her face down on the ground with blood pouring out of her back.
" NOOOOOOOOOOOOO." I screamed and ran for her before Journey could stop me. Another gun shot rang out.
" No no no no no no . " I said pulling her into my arms. As I felt for her pulse to find it was beating slowly. My baby sister was dying.
" We're losing her. " I screamed , Journey and Derek were at my side. Derek looked as if he was trying not to cry.
Journey was whispering in my ear that it was Deon who'd done this. That he'd driven by and shot at Paye. That he swore on his life that he'd find him.
Paye's eyes fluttered open.
" I love you Mia. " she said and turned her head to Derek. " Derek. " she whispered and smiled. Just before she passed out.

" Paye. . . Please. . . No Paye. . . Wake up please. "
I zoned out. Not even noticing that there were trash bags being pulled out. . . They were disposing of the bodies. They took away Deon.
The ambulance had been called. They were just taking forever to get here.

When they'd finally gotten there it was almost as if the shoot out never happened. Blood and bodies were gone. The only proof was a bloody Paye. When they hadn't let me ride to the hospital with her I hopped in Journey's car, along with him and Derek and sped off to the hospital.

" Whats the plan? " I quietly asked.
" No shoot out happened. Deon had kidnapped Paye and threatened that if you got to the hospital or tell anyone that he'd kill her. We came to get her back , with the money. He took the money , shot her and drove off." He said.
" Promise me one thing." I begged him.
" What ? " he asked.
" When its time. I want to be the one to body this nigga. " I said.
Journey looked at me in shock. But I didn't care.
" Iight " was all he said. Then silence filles the car.

We got to the hospital 5 minutes later .
We asked for information on Paye but we were directed to the waiting room.
The girls had showed up 15 minutes later , I'm not sure who'd called them but I was happy they were here.
They all hugged me. While I cried. No one saying a word.
4 hours had passed and 2 doctors finally walked into the waiting area.

" May I speak with the family of Payeten Ellington ? " a doctor said when walking into the waiting room.
Me , Journey , Derek , and my girls all stood up. With everyone surrounding me.
" Yes. Yes. Thats us. " I said quickly in a low voice.
" I'm Dr. Barnell. Everyone follow me. " the doctor said and instantly my legs got weak.
Dr. Barnell led us to another room near the waiting room as another doctor joined us.
" This is Dr. Payne. He'd worked with me on Payeten. " he spoke his hellos to us. We spoke back.
" Now , I'm sure you all are waiting for the results. And I will lead with saying that it doesn't looks so good. Payten took 2 gun shots one to her lower back and one to her spine. We were able to successfully remove both. The one that entered her lower back didn't really cause any harm. However its the one that entered her spine that has us most concerned. We arent quiet sure if she'll be permenately paralyzed or temporarily paralyzed. Also , the loss of blood and the shock of it all has caused her to fall into a coma. We're sorry. " At that moment I began crying. Suddenly I felt as if I couldn't breathe like someone was pushing my head below a pool of water. Next thing I remembered was everything going black.


And that's the end Lovely's . . .

It's been a long Journey writing this book and I hope you all have enjoyed it. Thanks to all of my supporters. Even the people whos read the book but didn't like or comment. . Its bittersweet for me.
However , there will be a sequel.
It'll be called

I know , I know the title is very cliche' BUT the book itself isn't and wont be.
I'm not sure when the book'll be published but stay on the look out for it. . .

Thanks again to everyone. . .

With love . . .

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