Chapter 7 : Melody

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Tuesday Morning


In Professor Doyle's class.

" Good Morning Class. " she said as she entered the dance studio.
"Good Morning Ms. Doyle" we all replied to her.
" I trust that you all are prepared to present your pieces." There were sighs through the room.
" Why are you all sighing ? You knew this was going to happen. Hmmmm so lets see. Do I have any pairs that would like to go first?" She said.
Kayla's hand instantly went up. She whispered. " May as well get it over with."
"Ahhhhh , Miss. Steele and Mr. Townes. Your up first. " Professor Doyle said.
" Good Luck Mama " I told Kayla
" Thanks " she whispered walking to the front of the class after taking off her sweat pants.
Kayla was actually a really pretty girl. Shes a puerto rican thats about 4'11 with light brown eyes , full pouty lips , a petite frame , C cup breast and a nice round booty. She kept her hair in short cuts and when she decided to wear weave her hair stayed in a long bob. Sometimes she changed its color. Every nigga had his eye on her but she gave none of them the time of day. She always kept a happy , bubbly attitude but dont sleep , her ass was sure enough locko. She will cuss your ass out in spanish real quick . . . Not to mention she could throw them hands . . . My true ride or die bitch . . My best friend and her birthday was this wednesday so we were going to the club.
" Well done Miss. Steele , Mr. Townes. Your grade will be a B+ , and I give you that because though I gave you 1 and a half days to do this your performance didn't reach my expectations it was as if you two just threw dance moves together and you both were looking for guidance from each other wonder what to do next when you should have known. Other than that it was good. You may take your seat. " She said.
After everyone else presented it was now me and Deon's turn.
Any other time I would've been nervous . . . But I knew our routine was the shit. So I wasnt even worried . But then the door opened and in walks Journey . .
" Excuse me , who are you?  " Professor Doyle asked him
" I am Mia Ellingtons boyfriend. And I'm here to watch her performance." He told her.
" I don't normally allow this . But alright . Sit quietly and do not disturb." She told him as he kept his eyes fixed on mines. I gotta admitt him being there shocked the hell out of me. And he looked livid when Deon place his hand on the small of my back.
The music started and I closed my eyes. Blocking everyone and everything out except my partner.

" Yeah , uhh . . Melody. Get me high."
And that was my que. I took off. Running towards Deon atempting to run past him but he grabs me by my waist lifting me into the air dips me down.
" I just wish that I could hold you. While your slipping through my fingers. As I'm playing the piano. What is that sound , it sounds so beautiful" Deon put his hands in the air as I slid down his body frommy legs being wrapped around his waist. When I hit the ground he reached down and pulled me up sliding my body up his. And he spun me.
" And I just wanna be close to you , close enough that I can feel you"
He ran his hands down the sides of ny body before I dropped down into a split.
"I'm already wondering where you are and it sounds like its coming from my guitar Melody , said that I , I love you. Melody , said that I , I adore you. Melody said that I , I need you. You can call me foolish and I might be. But I'm in love with the melody."

After we were done the whole room started clapping including Professor Doyle. Journey was clapping but had a smirk on his face.
"Miss. Ellington , Mr. Brown. . . I must say how proud of you two. . . I haven't seen anything like that in a long time. Your grade is an A+. Class is dismissed" she said walking back to her desk.

I gathered my things and headed over to Journey. When Deon walked uo behind me and hugged me from the back. Good job girl. That was the best I ever seen you perform. I could feel Journey getting closer and closer. I unwrapped his hands and stepped away from him.
" Thank you Deon. You did pretty well too. " I told him as Journey reached us putting his hand on my lower back.
" Yeah , you two did a great job. I'm proud to call this woman mines. " I looked up into his brown eyes and seen all different types of emotions. One being anger.
" Thank you, I'm Deon" Deon introduced himself
" And I'm Journey. Mia's boyfriend. "
" Journey , hey. I've seen you around haven't I?" Deon asked
" I'm sure you have. Journey can we go now please ?" I said cutting their conversation short.
" Sure Ma. Lets go." He said leading me out of the dance room.

When we got outside he lit into my ass like he was my father and I got suspended from school.
" Look here shorty. I don't ever want you to think I'm being over protective or an ass. But I do mot want you anywhere by yourself with him. Hes got it bad for you and plus I heard about homie around the way. Don't make this nigga end up in a body bag. So i'm fittna give you a ride to your car and follow you home. Just to be sure he don't follow you." Journey said scaring me.
" What do you mean? Your scaring me." I said.
" Its good Ma. He met me and he know who I am. I doubt he'll fuck with you. . Make sure you keep the alarm on at all times. " he told me.
" Are you going to tell me whats going on ? " I hissed.
" Yes. When you need to know. Now lets go. We gotta make sure we get there before Paye. I got her and 3 of her friends tickets to the show. V.I.P treatment. " I just looked at him and smiled.
" Thank you Journey. Your so sweet." I said kissing his cheek.
" You know wassup ma."


I knew I knew this nigga name from somewhere. When I walked into her class room and seen Black aka Deon with his hands on Mia I was instantly pissed and concerned.
" This nigga was known around Houston as a fucking stalker and a rapist. He likes to get the bitches drunk take them home and fuck them against their will. They were so scared of his ass they never snitch and plus. You know the rule. NO SNITCHING. I'd be damned if I let that happen to Mia. I knew what I was gon have to do. But I'd try to fight it off for now.

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