The Bliss before the Storm-Part 4

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-No one's POV-

Amanda-"TYLER IS A WHAT?!"

Tyler-"I MIGHT be a spirit"

Sucy-"I don't believe you"

Jasminka-"Are you sure?"

Constanze- She was visibly surprised, and looked up from her robot-

Lotte-"His body responded to my spirit song"

Tyler-"Yeah, it felt like my chest was going to explode"

Amanda-"You should try it again, maybe it's something else"

Tyler-"Sure, Lotte sing that song again!"

Lotte-"But you said it hurt"



As Lotte started to sing, the same thing happened. Some spirits gathered around her in a circle and some climbed onto her. But Tyler's chest started to shine with a green light, making him fall to the floor in pain as he placed his hands on it.

Amanda-"What the fuck?!"

Sucy-"Stop... He isn't a spirit"

Lotte- She stopped singing, and looked at sucy- "What do you mean, Sucy?"

Sucy-"He has an spirit inside of him... Look at the way his chest acted, something wanted to come out"

Tyler-"How can I have an spirit inside me?! I haven't done any spirit magic!"

Sucy-"When we summoned you, the spell was originally made to summon ancient spirits and monsters... I guess you got lucky"

Tyler-"I see.... Tell me more"

They all went to the courtyard, and sat down at the grass in a circle. They could see Hannah and Barbara with weird painting on their faces at the other end of the courtyard.

Sucy-"Back when witches were being hunted, they invented a defensive method in order to protect themselves. The witches that used this method were the ones who survived the hunting"

Lotte-"What's that method?"

Amanda-"Sounds interesting"

Constanze- She raised an eyebrow-

Jasminka- She leaned closer to hear better-

Sucy-"Witches used to fuse their bodies with spirits to enhance their magic and skills with the ones of spirits. Akko probably found a book about that ritual and Lotte performed it"

Lotte-"But it doesn't makes any sense... Then the spell should've summoned a spirit, not Tyler"

Sucy-"Because Akko knocked one of my potions onto the summoning ritual, that must have changed something"

Tyler-"So... You're telling me I have a spirit that enhances my magic?! Awesome!"

Jasminka-"But.. which spirit was it?"

Sucy-"Ancient spirits were catalogued by the element they came from, so we'll see"

Tyler-"Maybe it was some sort of plant spirit! Because I'm naturally good with those spells"

Sucy-"As far as I know, there is no plant spirit"


Sucy-"You must've got a useless one... Because we would have already seen it in action"


Amanda-"But still, it's pretty interesting tho, and what if that spirit needs to be awakened or something"

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