Chapter 9: The Bliss before the Storm-Part 1

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-Tyler's POV-

FINALLY! Some good news! They're going to try and find a way to get me home! This is the best day ever.

That night I slept like a baby, probably the first night I actually got a good sleep.

The next day I woke up early, got dressed and went to class. God this was the first day I woke up so easily.

As I walked, a orange haired girl approached me. She was holding a skull shaped microphone and two girls were following her, one had a camera and the other was holding a small binder.

Wangari-"Heya! Tyler right?" -She sounds like she has a lot of energy-

Tyler-"Uh.. yeah, and you are?"

Wangari-"I'm Wangari! One of the members of the Luna Nova News Network!"

Tyler-"Oooh.. so you girls are the ones who make the newspaper?"

Kimberly-"Yeh" -The girl with the binder spoke. She was... Well her mood was like Sucy's-

Wangari-"Anyways. We wanted to make a story about you!"

Tyler- I jumped back slightly. Why did they wanted to do a story about me?!- "Huh?!... Why?"

Wangari-"What do you mean why? You're the only boy in Luna Nova like, ever!"

Tyler-"Oh... That's right"

Wangari- She held the microphone close to me, and started an interview- "So, tell us about yourself!"

Tyler-"Uuuh.... I'm Tyler and.. I'm 16 years old..." -I have no idea how to introduce myself-

Wangari-"Anyways, next question. How did you even got considered to be a student at Luna Nova?"

Tyler-"Three girls summoned me here, and I guess they had no option but to let me stay here"

Wangari-"You were summoned?! That's interesting! How was it?"

Tyler-"I don't remember much... but I was in my school when I suddenly fell through a portal and ended up here"

Wangari-"Interesting, interesting... Was it hard to adapt to this place?"

Tyler-"Of course it was.. I mean, everything was too fast"

Wangari- She looked at her friend with the binder to check if she was writing everything before continuing- "Do you miss your home?"


Wangari-"That's tough.. being separated from everyone you know and being brought into this world"

Tyler-"Yeah... It's sad, but at least the teachers told me they're going to try and find a way to send me back!"

Wangari-"They are?! That's awesome!"

Then, the girl with the camera gave Wangari a sheet of paper with some stuff written on it.

Wangari-"Yesterday we asked some of the students here to write you questions... Are you okay with answering some of them?"

Tyler-"Oh.. Yeah sure, go on"

Wangari-"Nice.. First one: What do you think about Luna Nova?"

Tyler-"It's the best school I have ever laid my eyes on, It's hella big! Maybe too big... I get lost easy"

Wangari-"Nice, next question: "How was your world like"

Tyler-"Actually a lot like this one... It's just that we had a lot of different stories, books and artists, and also other technology"

The boy summoned to Luna Nova (Little Witch Academia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now