The Bliss before the Storm-Part 2

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-Tyler's POV-


I used to play it with my friends all the time, we did it in recess at school even!

Sucy-"Ugh... I hate sports"

Akko-"I love em! Moving around is fun!"

Lotte-"I prefer to sit down.."

Tyler-"Sit down then.. because I'm placing my heart and soul on this, I haven't played soccer since I got here" -I was just too excited. I was already stretching-

Lotte-"You like soccer?"

Tyler-"A lot"

Akko-"Then let's give our all!"

Tyler-"Yeeh..." -She got corny real quick...-

Sucy-"Whatever... I'm just going to sit here and wait for y'all to finish"

Professor Nelson then blew her whistle again and yelled.

Nelson-"All of the teams will be paired with another one in teams of 6! No magic allowed!"

Sucy-"Nice, since our team is 4 people, I'll stay and Tyler can go play" -She already sat down at the grass before saying this-

Tyler-"Thanks Sucy!"

Lotte-"I guess I'll have to play.."

Tyler-"C'mon! It's fun!"


Nelson- She blew her whistle again, and yelled- "So, the teams paired up will be... The red team with the Aqua team! And the blue team with the peach team! Everyone get on your spots, we'll start in 5 minutes!"

Aqua team? Who are they? I guess it's alright

Tyler-"Who's the Aqua team?"

Akko-"Oh! I know one of them! Her name is Abigail"

Tyler-"That's nice... And the others?"

Akko-"No idea, I only know her because I accidentally broke one of her books"

Tyler-"Of course you did..."

Akko-"What does that mean!?" -She pouted-

We all went to our side of the field, and found our teammates.

There was a dark olive haired girl with dark eyes, a girl with black hair which is secured by a grey hairband and had dark eyes, and the other girl had green eyes and wavy auburn hair. All of them had an aqua colored sash tied around their waists.

Abigail-"Hi everyone, I'm Abigail" -The dark olive haired girl spoke first-

Akko-"Hi Abigail! Remember me?!"

Abigail-"How could I not..."

Rachel-"I'm Rachel... Hi" -The girl with the grey hairband introduced herself then-

Rita-"And I'm Rita!" -Finally, the girl with the wavy auburn hair said her name-

Lotte-"Nice to meet you all, I'm Lotte" -She smiled warmly-

Akko-"And I'm Akko! The one sitting over there is Sucy" -She pointed towards Sucy, who was sitting a few meters away-

Tyler-"And I'm Tyler"

Abigail-"Oh, we know"


Rita-"You are the only boy here in like, ever"

Abigail-"Yeah, everyone knows your name"

Tyler-"Oh... Fair enough"

Rachel-"So, we'll be playing soccer against Diana's team?"

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