Chapter 2: What?

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-Tyler's POV-

Well shit, now I'm in a classroom with the three girls I ran away from, damn it

Tyler-"So uh... Hello"

Akko-She got very close and placed her hands on my shoulder before starting to shake me-"Why did you ran awaaaaay"-She yelled at me as she shook me violently, I could feel my brain slapping against my skull.

Tyler-"Hey hey calm down.. I was just curious"-I explained as I got out of her grip, and started to feel slightly dizzy-"Besides you girls summoned me here, I should be yelling at you"

Sucy-"Hey, I didn't do nothing, I shouldn't even be here"-The soft pink haired girl left the room after that, she seemed like she's either depressed or genuinely doesn't give a fuck.

Akko-"Still, you ran away, we could've taken you home!"

Yeah right

Lotte-"But akko, the book didn't said anything about taking him back home"-The short haired blonde girl spoke. She was probably the most normal person out of them.

Akko-"But we could've figured something out!"-She tried to make up an excuse. You don't seem like the type of person to figure something like this out

Tyler-"Anyways.. what's y'all's name?"-I asked to them, even if I would probably forget their names by tomorrow.

Lotte-"I'm Lotte Jansson"

Akko-"I'm Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko"

Tyler-"Okaay.. nice to meet you all"-I said as I waved my hand, hoping that they would leave-"Anyways...I have to sleep now, so uh... goodnight I guess"

Akko-"But wait! The teacher told us to take care of you"

Tyler-"What? Why? I can do that myself, and you look my age"- And also you look like the person that should be taken care of-

Akko-"Well, that's what the teacher said"

Tyler-"She probably didn't meant to do it even while I'm asleep"

Lotte-"He's probably right Akko, let's just go back to the dorm"

Akko-She let out a sigh and nodded before leaving the room with Lotte-"Okay.. bye I guess"


Soon after, the door closed and I was left alone in the classroom, and I walked up the stairs to the last row, and there I placed the sleeping bag and laid down, staring at the ceiling.

After a while of thinking, the unbearable weight of reality set in, I was in a world far from home and anyone I knew or could possibly know, I was brought here against my will and had no way of going back.

I had to cry to sleep that night, goddamn it.

-The next day-

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. It felt like I slept an eternity but I was still sleepy, so I looked at the clock of the classroom, and it was already 11:30AM, I was already used to this so I just got up and took the sleeping back and the pillow with me as I walked down the stairs, and stood in front of the door for a couple minutes.

Someone's probably going to enter and tell me what to do, so I'll wait while sitting on the teacher's desk.

I waited for probably an hour or so when the door opened, and I saw the short, green haired old woman again..I think her name was Miranda

Miranda-"Good morning young man"

Tyler-"Good morning"-I said as I quickly stood up from the desk-

Miranda-"So, how did you slept?"

Tyler-"I slept fairly well, thanks"

Miranda-"I'm glad to hear that"-She said with a smile. She's the nicest old woman I've ever met after my grandma-"So, while we prepare a place for you to sleep in, you're free to explore the school, just make sure to keep a low profile... Oh, and don't forget to wear this"

She handed me the uniform of the school, it fit me, but since this is an all-female school, I had to wear the girls uniform. I don't know what I expected, this was obvious.

Tyler-"Thanks...Uh.. I'll keep a low profile, I promise"

Miranda gave me a warm smile before leaving the room.

I put on the uniform and used the big ass hat to cover my fave as much as I could, and I placed my other clothes inside of the sleeping bag, which I left hidden in the corner of the room.

I opened the door of the classroom and stepped into the hallways. This school was certainly something beautiful, love it. I kept wandering around, trying to hide my face as much as I could from everyone around, no one seemed to notice but one girl. She was about my height and had the most serious, soul staring and cold stare in her eyes. I tried to walk past her, but she stopped me before I could.

Diana-"Hey you, you're not a girl are you?"

I froze, how was she able to tell? Goddamn it

Tyler-"How did you know?"

Diana-"You fool no one with that, tell me, what are you doing here? I should take you to the Principal's office right now"

Great, she's a teacher's pet

Tyler-"No need.. she already knows"

Diana-"Oh really? And why did they allow you here?"

Tyler-"Because I was brought here against my will by three girls that.. I guess they summoned me somehow"

Diana-"And who did it?"

Tyler-"Uh...I guess their names were..Lotte and.. Atsoko?"

Diana-"Of course it was them, follow me"-She grabbed my arm and started to lead me towards a big room, by the looks of it I'm guessing that it's the cafeteria. She eventually took me where the three girls were sitting, and pointed at me-"Do any of you care to explain this?"

Akko-She stopped eating and looked at me, then at the other girl-"Uh..we don't know what you're talking about..right?"-She looked at her friends with a nervous tone on her voice.

What do you mean you don't know? You took me away from my entire life and loved ones and brought me here, take some responsibility goddamnit

Sucy-"Lotte and Akko accidentally summoned that guy"

Thank you

Diana-"You did what?! How did you not get expelled?"

Akko-"No idea"

Lotte-"It might be because we are treating with a human being... Anyways they told us to take care of him as a punishment"

Excuse me?!

Diana-"I can't believe you two"-The teacher's pet let go of my arm and left-"I'll ask Professor Finnelan about this"-She said before leaving-

I'm going insane here for sure

(I finally did another part, I hope the guy behind the trojan virus I have on my phone likes this, he is my only lector)

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