Chapter 6: Resurrecting the dead... why?

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-Tyler's POV-

I woke up earlier than usual, I guess that magic does wonders.

I got changed into my uniform and went outside with a lot of other students that were preparing themselves to go outside of Luna Nova.

I spotted Lotte, Akko and Sucy at the front of the crowd, and joined them as we listened to the explanation of how amulets work.... I didn't listened shit.

I placed my phone in the cauldron along with the other students amulets, and soon enough, we were outside of Luna Nova, walking through a cemetery while following Sucy.

Akko-"So, where are we?"

Sucy-"Isn't it obvious?"

Akko-"You said we were going to the city! I only followed you because you said this was a shortcut!"

Sucy completely ignored Akko, and kneeled down to grab a mushroom that she said only grew in cemeterys... Thanks, I will surely use that information somewhen!... Fuck this, I want to go away on my own, but I know absolutely nothing about this place, I don't even know what country are we in

Lotte-"It's so creepy. Maybe we'll see a ghost"

Akko-"A ghost?"

Some crows flew by, and Akko jumped into Lotte out of fear... Why tho? Crows are awesome. She knocked Lotte to the ground, and they both fell on top of two gravestones, breaking them.

Nicely done Akko! Once again you've commited a crime.

Tuler-"Great, now you have to repair those gravestones"

Akko-"What?.."-She got up from Lotte and looked at the gravestones, and they both quickly stood up"

Lotte-"Shoot! What are we going to do?! We might get cursed!"


They both were scared shitless, and I understand them, I would also be scared.

Lotte-"I mean, don't you feel like that could happen here?"-Her voice was shaky and audibly scared. Even I, who doesn't understand emotions well, could see that-

Akko-"Hey! I've got it"-She exclaimed as she got her hand in her pocket, searching for something-

Oh boy...

She took out a weird looking potion, well all potions looked weird.

Akko-"A repairing potion! I should be able to use it because Professor Ursula taught me how!"

Lotte-She stopped Akko from opening the potion-"You can't! We were told not to use magic outside the school!"

We were?... Well that makes sense

Akko-"Nobody will find out if we use it here"

This girl might be a danger to society.

Lotte-"But what if something happens?"

Akko-"Don't worry too much, Lotte!"

The boy summoned to Luna Nova (Little Witch Academia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now