Chapter 44

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Cooling the hot chocolate for Noah, Amani smiles seeing it was the right temperature then smiles it was in a sippy cup so it is easier for the child to drink. Sitting inside the sofa Amani takes out his working tablet and starts doing some research. Noah looks at him then thinks despite being intertwined with Amani's life they don't exactly know much about him, we know he takes care of his siblings entirely but there is so much we don't know about him.


Amani looks at him with a genuine smile, “yes Noah Noah?” 

“You know you can talk to us? Even mom or maybe me. But we are here,” he said.

Noah wants Amani to rely on them just as they rely on him, it seems like Amani doesn't try to give himself a rest of his own. He knows he'd probably never speak to him who is a child in their eyes but he can speak to his mom.

“I know,” 

“Then why don't you speak to us more often?” 

“I just don't really have much to tell,” 

“You're a doctor,” 

“Hahaha, you're right.” Amani chuckles; he really adores him. “There are some things you just talk about to others I can talk about but I just don't feel like talking about it, so don't worry it's complicated adult stuff.” He said softly.

Noah sighs he can't force Amani to talk so he'll leave it for now, “Okay.” 

Amani smiles, he really cherishes this child and wishes to protect him from every danger to come. After all he is a dad to him and that's what a dad does, love and cherish his little son.

The next day early morning Sihan was preparing breakfast for everyone, he had already packed Amani's lunch neatly. He even has a cupcake at the side from his previous baking for the bakery. 

Amani who just came down already in his scrubs for work, looks at him.

“Breakfast is smelling delicious as always Bambi,” he said.

“Well, I could only make it so for my favourite people.” Sihan smiles.

“How privileged I am, in fact I'll have a day off tomorrow so I'll make dinner, lunch and breakfast.” 

“You don't have to, it's your day off and you need to rest!” 

“I'm fine, I can rest after.”  Amani reassures him.

To say Amani gets four (4) hours of sleep would be an understatement, Amani's work hours are like 6 am to 10 pm and that was weekdays sometimes he doesn't even return home due to the hectic and demanding work, he often does shift after shift and try to get day off. Amani is a high class doctor despite being so young and though his surgeries are expensive he sometimes caters to the needs of the unfortunate, so he was also a well sought out doctor.

Amani is young and successful but with success it takes time so most of his time is dedicated to work. 

“But still…” 

“I'm fine, I won't sleep tomorrow anyway even if I'm not cooking,” he smiles.


“I have probably have to attend a small meeting… with someone” Amani said awkwardly.

“Huh? With who?!” Sihan asks frantic.


“Ah, I mean with who? A potential partner or a partner.” Sihan asks avoiding eye contact.

Amani blinks seeing his avoidance of eye contact, he laughs loudly. “Hahaha! I'm sorry but I must disappoint you my heart is a bit expensive even a doctor's pocket can't afford it. If I start dating warn my partner for I'm a shallow gold digger hahaha. My love for money prevents me from having a decent relationship.” 

Sihan eyes goes blank, right… Amani loves money. He looks at the man as he takes up his plate and starts singing.

“Money, money, money, must be funny, its a rich world,” 

Sihan then laughs himself, “right.” 

After eating breakfast Amani enters the car then holds the steering looking in the rear-view mirror driving, he turns on the mirror remember something.

“Ha, this isn't enough you need 30,000 more!” 

“30,000?! For a hook up?!” 

“I'm charging 30,000 more off work so you best start emptying your pockets!” 

“Fuck this shit, 80,000 for a whore?! No way!” The woman storms away.

Amani sighs lighting his cigarette and blew it, soon someone different approaches him. “MM, I'll be paying that extra 30,000, just one more night please.” 

Amani looks at him his face was flustered seemingly nervous, was he not ashamed Amani sigh tapping  the bud putting the cigarette back in his mouth and put both hands in his jacket that hung below his shoulder. 

“60,000 extra for married men.”

The person smiles softly, “okay.” 

Amani notices the car following him behind him for a while he sighs, his phone rings he picks it up and answers. “What?” 


Haha Amani unimportant to you guys isn't he?

When I ask what y'all think about Amani's past y'all like I don't care as he Sihan right... which indirectly means you don't really give a flying fuck about him.

Maybe due my fault because I haven't flush him out or make anything interesting about him.

But not even an ounce of curiosity on his part?

You guys show so much interest in Nathaniel that I'm over here like "he's a good man Savanah".

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