chapter 19

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Driving to the closest store by Nathaniel looks at his son who was wearing a sour face. 

"I really need to get you that blinkie," 

This was a rare one on one moment time with his son, of his being honest he barely gets any moments. His head hurts thinking about it, entering the store he walks into the section for blankets and blinkies when he sees Noah starts crying.

'Mommy, I don't want to be here! I'm scared!' 

Noah feels uneasy, he doesn't know why. He is supposed to be 16 but why is he feels very uneasy when he's away from Sihan. This baby's body has that much affect on him? 

Nathaniel looks at the baby who soon starts crying, he was feeling antsy as the attention turns to him it was lucky he had wore a wing and cap in the car or he would have been exposed.

"Shhh, Noah, hush,hush" 

He doesn't know how to coax his baby, in fact Noah barely reacts rmto anything it's a bit worrisome and because of this he doesn't know what calms Noah down. Nathaniel feels a sweat down his cheek as he realizes something about the troubles of Noah not reaching or crying.

He tries to hush him taking a blinkie but Noah pushes it away crying, as the people the store begins to whisper.

"Shouldn't he go outside?" 

"He's young, seems like an immature parent" 

"Hmp! Youngsters these days." 

"Noah, what's wrong?" 

Nathaniel was panicking Should he leave, that's when Nathaniel had an idea. This was his first time being this much distance away from his mom, so what if it's his mom. Taking the phone screen and calling Sihan who immediately answers, he puts it on speaker. 

"Noah baby!" 


"Noah, mommy is here okay?" 

'How can you leave with him? I feel abandoned you Shou protagonist! Meanie!' 

Nathaniel gently pats his head as the baby holds tightly onto the phone while Sihan speaks.  He rests Noah's head gently on his shoulder while comforting him, seeing his little son relax while babbling to his mother. "Hehehe, Hahaha!" 

Nathaniel laughs so hard his stomach starts to hurt, Sihan who was on the other side smiles. 

Nathaniel went to look for the blinkie while searching for the perfect one, "Noah, how about this?" 

'The colour is ugly!' 

Nathaniel, seeing the ugly frown, takes up another but again the baby expresses distaste. It was several tries until he soon got annoyed but seeing the baby laugh he thought it was the right one. 


Noah frowns pushing it away, 'its ugly' 

Nathaniel sighs, he doesn't know which one is correct. He looks at his son. 

"Hm, what do you like?" 

'For you to bring me back home to my shou mother, you scum bastard father of a gong'.


Nathaniel saw a cute blinkie resembling the one he personally had made for him then picked it up. 

"How about this one?" 

'Ah! Blinkie!' 

Seeing the baby smiling and stretching he smiles handing it to Noah, Nathaniel smiles thinking he should buy his son some more toys. He likes seeing Noah smiles; he was raised by nannies who pretty much were only doing their jobs. 

Noah was too busy hugging his blinkie to notice the gong smiling softly at him. 

After shopping, Nathaniel was walking in the open lobby in the hotel. He entered the elevator with another man, the man blinked at him twice as if he were surprised, making Nathaniel wonder if he was found out, but soon the man picked out a lollipop from his pocket and put it into his mouth as a smile carved up his lips. 

Nathaniel was side-eyeing him as the man faced the wall and began to hum, Nathaniel felt suspicious and soon the elevator stopped and a loud ring tone was heard.

🎶The devil doesn't bargain

He'll only break your heart again

It isn't worth it, darling

He's never gonna change

He'll never be Prince Charming

He'll only do you harm again

I don't mean to meddle

But the devil doesn't settle

No, the devil doesn't bargain🎶

The man searches his pocket and takes his phone answering, "Yellow," 

Nathaniel rolls his eyes as the people come in while he is separated from the man,and after some time he reaches his floor but as soon as he steps out the man steps out as well but this time heading in front of him. 

"Okay I'll send the money, no worries it's not like I have anything to do with it see ya" 

Nathaniel heaves a sigh when the man finally goes and he reaches their apartment. 


Cute pictures it's things like these Sihan makes and sees the beauty in everything even a toxic bitch looks like green daddy.

Cute pictures it's things like these Sihan makes and sees the beauty in everything even a toxic bitch looks like green daddy

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