chapter 18

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Carlton, not feeling comfortable leaving Sihan alone with this man, offers to watch a late night movie. Both he and Rosalie wanted to speak to their child alone but Nathaniel was always there. 

'Put me down you scum gong! You just threatened my mom!' 

Nathaniel didn't know why the baby was being all fussy when he's usually not, he smiles menacingly then jokes. "Because your grandparents are here you want to show off? What show off baby who do you take after?" 

Noah relaxed, giving the most offensive frown his fat face could muster, Nathaniel took it as his baby finally calming and putting him in his lap while crossing his legs. "Now that's a smart," 

Carlton eyes Nathaniel sharply, he then looks at his grandson who started to stretch his hands towards him. 

"You want grandpa, Noach?" 

"Noah," Nathaniel clears his throat…

"Oh right, Noah, will little Noah?" 

Seeing the baby stretch for Carlton, he offers the baby to him, smiling. Nathaniel raises, "I'm gonna get his formula I'll be right back".

Walking to the kitchen part he went to the counter, Sihan had his back turned as Nathaniel took out a baby bottle rinsing it. Sihan turns to see Nathaniel not saying his mother had gone for a number 3 or something like that. Sihan frowns sadly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." 

Nathaniel exhales then rests his hand on the counter knocking his fingertips ominously. "I'm not gonna discuss this with you now…" 

"Oh, well… I just wanted to tell you," Sihan fidgets. 

Nathaniel turns to him holding the bottle while staring at him, "... okay" 

Sihan feels nervous, Nathaniel seems too calm. It's easier when Nathaniel shows him whether he is upset or not seeing him not saying anything and being vague makes him uneasy, he scratches the back of his neck nervously. 

"I'm going to Noah now," 

Nathaniel walks out the room nodding to Rosalie who passes by, she hurriedly enters the kitchen to see Sihan frowning. 

"Sihan?" She said softly.

"Oh, mom," he smiles a little sadly.

"Is there a problem sweetie?" 

"Hm? No of course not".

Rosalie doesn't want to force her son against his will, but she wants him to open up about their situation. "Did you two fight?" 

"Definitely not, Nathaniel and I like to avoid conflict especially now that we have Noah." Sihan smiles sweetly. 

He could see a concerned look on his mother's face as if she wanted to say something but he smiles, "oh, and don't worry he mom. He may seem cold but he can be very sweet actually so don't worry too much okay?"  He reassures his mother.

Rosalie was still concerned, she touched his sweet face gently. "Be careful, I don–" 


The two quickly turn around to see Nathaniel with Noah in arms. Rosalie's expression immediately changes when he sees them, though she still feels uncomfortable. 

Noah looks up at the scum who looks at him with a smile, Nathaniel then looks at Sihan, "his blinkie, he seems irritable" Nathaniel said. 

'That's because you're holding me!' 

"Oh, I wash his blinkie recently so—" 

'Mr. You did what?! My precious blinkie! What have you done?! My blinkie!' 

Noah didn't know why but he started to feel miserable! Maybe being in a baby's body is starting to affect him. Sihan could see his baby becoming red, "Noah,". 

'My blinkie!' 

Nathaniel sighs then puts him over his shoulder, "I'll go get you other toys, how about we buy something new" .

Nathaniel puts him over his shoulder.

'Where are you kidnapping me to? Mommy help I'm being kidnapped!' 

"Huh? Nat? Are you going out with Noah?" Sihan smiles but soon he processes the fact that he will not be there.

"Um… Nat–" 

"I'll be back soon," 

"But Noah may not seem that way but he is very needy of me," Sihan plays with his fingers. 

Nathaniel sighs, "I won't be long he just need something to make him less grumpy" 

"Ah–um okay" Sihan agrees while looking down.

He tries to repeat everything will be fine in his mind then looks at his baby, "wait a minute!" 


Sihan walks closer then holds Noah and kisses him on both sides of his cheeks. "I love you Noah, so enjoy your trip with papa I'm waiting here".

Noah looks at his mother dramatically, he feels upset and irritable. Sihan smiles shyly at Nathaniel ready to give a kiss also when Nathaniel gives him the cold stare which makes him pause. 

"I'll be back," 

"I– Uh… um yes," Sihan said silently.

Nathaniel begins to walk away as Noah begins to stretch for him. 'Are you gonna let him kidnap me? Mom please don't, I've a good baby!' 

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