chapter 5

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Shavon Looks at his protagonist mother who was on the phone, talking to the scum gong.

"I'm fine, Noah is fine too, he is not sleeping though it's late" Sihan smiles.

'The protagonist really loves him, doesn't he?' 

Looking at his mother Shavon can't help but pity the protagonist, because of the recent trend of toxic stories especially in the fujoshi/fudanshi community the author was pressured by her higher-ups and editor to write a story to draw in the mass readers. Shavon was shown a video by his sister with an interview with the author.

According to the author, this was supposed to be a story where the protagonist struggles as an emotionally single parent. It was a story that was supposed to reflect her situation, something being an emotionally single mother with a child. She said that the scum gong was not supposed to be the male lead but another.

Because the novel went into full backgrounds of their love story or relationship which lead to the readers being attached to the scum gong in book one. So there was an uproar when the readers found out he was not end-game and doesn't want to meet the true male lead which no one knows, but according to the author he was introduced but knowing the readers she didn't want them hating or comparing the characters for existing and so everyone was interested in this mysterious wannabe male lead.

Ultimately Shavon would have preferred the author's plan than a bunch of crazy people, because to him the author's way seemed to have a better message than the dog blood novel. Shavon is an orphan who lives with his rich aunt and uncle. His father passed away when he was 10 leaving his sister and him alone; their mother died from blood loss during childbirth. 

So Shavon never had a mother's love and his father's love is short-lived. After getting off the phone, Sihan took a picture of his baby, smiling at the picture. Sihan had over a 100 pictures that soon needed copying and picking the right one to put in his baby book. 

"I love you Noah" he tells him 

Shavon Looks at his mother, he tells him that he loves him often. The protagonist is such a sweet soul, he tells people that often but they take it for granted. 

The next day early in the morning, Sihan came into the kitchen with his baby. The man with lipstick grits his teeth staring at him. The man's name was Sam. 

Sam feels displeasure as he was very prepared last night to complain about Sihan's crying baby but there was never a sound, Sam doesn't like Sihan since Sihan was the miracle child. That was more beloved than his son and daughter.

"Why are you bringing a baby into the kitchen in such an early morning?! Do you want an accident to happen!" He complains 

"Oh no! I was just well putting away some milk, I didn't feel like leaving Noah alone in the empty." 

"What do you think someone will kidnap your baby?! No one wants him! His own father didn't want him!" Sam yelled.

Shavon feels angry, he wants to cuss him out for bullying his shou protagonist mom! 

"Oh uncle, you shouldn't say such things, Noah, though young, will misunderstand your words," Sihan smiles.

'How the hell are you not fazed by that?! If it were me it would have been on site' 

Sihan looks at Noah then rests his head on chest coddling him, "we all love you"

Sam rolls his eyes, "put the baby down, and help me in the kitchen" he demanded.

Sihan bites his bottom lip, he doesn't let Noah out his sights not for look. Though the apartment he has is large he was able to watch Noah from over the counters when he was cooking. Shavon notices the actions within his mother and he is anxious. 


Soon Sihan's mother, Rosalie walks into the kitchen. "Sihan, you shouldn't be in the kitchen when taking care of Noah, go sit somewhere safe. I'll make breakfast so you can properly feed the baby when done". Rosalie said gently, shooing him out the room.

'Do I hate you or do I like you? For now I'm suspicious' 

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